Optimizing my Aggro Light Deck and my Weekend performance! [ENG/PT-BR]

Hello guys @legalizabrazil here to show what i'm doing with my collection those days, i finally have a deck composition that is fun to play, fast games and competitive. Since my last post when i got a Legendary Asterius, i'm building my Aggro Light deck, and i believe that i'm in the right way!

Olá pessoal @legalizabrazil aqui para mostrar o que estou fazendo com minha coleção esses dias, finalmente tenho uma composição de deck que é divertida de jogar, jogos rápidos e competitivos. Desde meu último post quando ganhei um Asterius Lendário, estou construindo meu deck Aggro Light, e acredite que estou no caminho certo!




I'm kind new at Aggro Light decks and still learning about some mechanics but i got to say that this isn't a hard deck to play with i just need some more practice. I played 14 matches of the weekend event with this deck and won 7 of them, that's 50% win-rate.

I missed a relic remover card. Inquisitor Informant didn't make much, but he is a replacement card and maybe i should change him for a relic remover. I Miss the Seth legendary but you know the price of him, and that's way far of what i can afford.

Another card that caught my attention was Olympian Guard, but he is also really expensive.

I'm kind new at Aggro Light decks and still learning about some mechanics but i got to say that this isn't a hard deck to play with i just need somo more practice. I played 14 matches of the weekend event with this deck and won 7 of them, that's 50% win-rate.
I missed a relic remover card. Inquisitor Informant didn't make much, but he is a replacement card and maybe i should change him for a relic remover. I Miss the Seth legendary but you know the price of him, and that's way far of what i can afford.
Another card that caught my attention was Olympian Guard, but he is also really expensive.



Managed to get 1 Mj Rare, that's better than none 😂 and i'm glad with core packs, because now i know for sure that they can give some interesting legendary cards!

Consegui 1 Mj Rare, isso é melhor que nada 😂 e estou feliz com os pacotes básicos, porque agora tenho certeza que eles podem dar algumas cartas lendárias interessantes!


I got a little bag of GODS token from previously week and with those tokens i bought important pieces of this composition, cards that was missing to increase my win-rate. I will probably farm forever more tokens to buy a Seth(?) or maybe a Olympian Guard(?) i will pay attention in the meta decks while farming my GODS.

Agora que tenho este deck vou tentar moer algum rank por enquanto. fiquei um pouco desmotivado
jogando com meus últimos decks principalmente porque as partidas estavam demorando muito, algumas delas com quase 30min. Com este Aggro Light as partidas terminam rápido e com a prática tenho certeza que voltarei a moer meu caminho para o mítico.





Now that i have this deck i will try to grind some rank for now. I was a little bit unmotivated
playing with my last decks mainly because the matches was taking a long time, some of them with almost 30min. With this Aggro Light the matches end quickly and with practice i know for sure that i will grind again my way to mythic.

Agora que tenho este deck vou tentar moer algum rank por enquanto. fiquei um pouco desmotivado
jogando com meus últimos decks principalmente porque as partidas estavam demorando muito, algumas delas com quase 30min. Com este Aggro Light as partidas terminam rápido e com a prática tenho certeza que voltarei a moer meu caminho para o mítico.


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Eu gosto dele bastante, mas é muito difícil sem ter uma boa coleção... Dá pra farmar GODS no evento de final de semana e ir comprando cartas no market, fora que tem uns pack de lendário quando pega X lvl

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Humble benefactor basically has to go into these aggro light decks. It's too good.

I also think you are too spell heavy. Light does run a lot of board buffs, but I think you'll have better results if you knock out ~2 (probably one Extortionist and the Wrong Path). That frees up 2 slots for benefactor.

Nice job!

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Hey oh @kstreet i will try this! Wrong Path is one that when i use didn't change much because my opponent always send the card again next turn. 🤣

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