IAAC DAY #577 // Success Come With A Price

Just the way you want your life to be, only if you can work that harder but the problem is we all have a big dream but doesn't want to start from the small. We all want the success but we don't want to do the hard work that will lead to it but mind you, success will not come to you through the air, you have to work for it . You have to start from somewhere and with determination and faith, you can actually make a successful story.

Don't ever think a place is to low for your standard to start from, you have to start from somewhere before you can reach anywhere. You can't have a journey without taking a step so instead of thinking of what is happening to you, you have to first think of where you got it wrong and once you can set it straight you could make wonders happen.

Thanks to @flaxz for the initiative of #iamalivechalleng.

Thanks for checking on my blog and have a wonderful day

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