I wish I take action on time


I was at the back of my house garden and I saw two birds talking to each other. They are really enjoying their conversation and I stood there looking at the and I will I can understand what they were saying. their voices was so Melodious and it sounded like a music in my ear.



I stood there looking at them for a while and when I took my phone out to take a snap, they flew away "wow, I should have done that a while ago instead of standing their and watch them conversed" I said. I won't make such mistake the second time.

When I got back inside, my mind went back to the scene that happened previously about the birds and I compare it with what is actually happening to me now and it fit properly. I really like to observe before taking action but I think I will be too late when I decided to do that.

I have an uncle that I really need something from but I decided to take my time, I will just messaged him and greet him normal and that is just it without asking for what I want, I forget that the doesn't really belong to me and I don't have all the time. So yesterday I decided it is time to ask him what I really need from him and I pick up the courage and told him but his response make me think it is the best to take action once you see the opportunity instead of just observing.

He said I should have tell him since last week, someone already requested for it yesterday. I looked at him and I couldn't say anything because it was mistake on my part, I should have use the time that I was observing to take the action maybe the opportunity might have been mine to take.

I learnt another lesson from my loss and I will try not to make the same mistake twice. while I was taking my time, someone else have already took what should be mine, it was so painful but I learn a lesson.

Thanks for checking on my blog and have a wonderful day


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 172 of my contest just started...you can now check the winners of the previous week!


Taking time and not rushing is not a bad thing but sometimes you have to act because opportunities pass quickly, greetings.
