The Big Picture


seeing the big picture is one of the step and tool needed to lead a successful life

in the world of finance imagination and dreaming big is never overestimated, imagination' they say gives you wings, but you need a clear vision for the landing part.

you have to see tomorrow from today, see the big picture when people see just the picture, and when others see the big picture' see the bigger picture.

always see ahead of others,
that's what gives you the edge ahead of others.

crypto currency is going big now more than it has been before, some few selected people saw what it would become now from as far back as 10yrs plus ago and those who invested in it then are now multimillionaires.


take for instance Laszlo Hayecz who was a programmer 14yrs ago who made the first commercial transaction with Bitcoin (BTC) on may: 22: 2010.
he bought two supreme pizzas from papa John's for a whooping 10,000BTC, which at current price is 667 million dollars

he didn't think bitcoin would be worth that much today, he failed to see the big picture, and he was rather too impatient.

even today, many people in the crypto currency world have not yet grasp the potential at which crypto currency can take them to

there are over 20,000 cryptos in the crypto system and many of them holds a promising future

this year 2024 because of the current bull run going on, many cryptos have launched and many are preparing to lauch.

seeing the big picture is essential for the continuation of creativity,
creative minds are always looking ahead of what others see

  • just like the usa patent office says to shut down because everything that can be invented has already been invented*
    that was before the invention of softwares, phones, future apps and many other useful inventions we have today.

many people are shortsighted, they don't see more than a few step, they dwell on the immediate, they don't believe in seeing the ultimate.

a world filled with shortsighted people is a world without phones, softwares and so many other latest and useful inventions to mankind, it will be a world without crypto currency.

seeing the big picture is preparing yourself for greatness, brushing aside challenges, difficulties and impossibilities.

****seeing ahead is the secret of getting ahead ahead****

Thanks for your time

remember if you can't see it then you are sure to miss it.


This blog post is incredibly motivating and enlightening! It emphasizes the importance of seeing the big picture, dreaming big, and having a clear vision, especially in the world of finance and cryptocurrency. The examples provided, such as the early Bitcoin investors, serve as a reminder of the incredible potential that foresight and imagination hold. This post encourages us to shift our perspective, look beyond the immediate, and embrace creativity and forward thinking. By seeing ahead and believing in the possibilities, we can pave the way for success and greatness. Keep challenging yourself to envision the future and remember that the ability to see beyond the present is the key to moving forward. Great insights shared here!


Indeed where there is no vision the people perish. I believe in your thoughts and I must recommend you for your encouraging words
