When Everything is broken


Today, I felt very depressed. Everything looked unfriendly. Almost all the tools in my house were broken. They needed cleaning and repairing. Unfortunately, the change and repair were costly.

I did not know what to do. I want to write about what happened today. I walked out and left all the thoughts behind. I did not care what happened to me.
It is all my fault that I did not maintain the tools. All the tools helped me a lot in my work and activities.
Have you ever felt very hopeless? When you believe you are unable to do or obtain what you should do or obtain?
In this situation, I do want to think a lot. I just let everything happen. If they are going to be broken, just let them be broken.

If anything can change my life, I will take the chance. Yeah, I may suit from my position where I stand. I should look at different spots to see the outer world. Tools for life. I am very stupid. Why am I so dependent on the tools?

Life must go on. I should move on to find and get the latest tools that help my life better.
I hope I can change my life.
