Create and Release your EP in 90 Days - Step 6 [Introduction Marketing Warming Up]


Introduction happens anywhere your music is present. That can be both on and offline...

It’s no secret though: we live in a digital age. It doesn’t take a marketing expert to know that the best place to reach a wide audience and find the demographic for any business is online...

I have found that social advertising is the most effective tool to reach an audience and build a sustainable business for your music...

But there are a variety of different social media platforms that come with a variety of different advertising tools...

Through extensive testing and case study research, I have found that Facebook has the most robust advertising platform and most powerful set of marketing tools to garner success - both here at the Introduction Stage and throughout the rest of the Buddy System.

Instagram is owned by Facebook and uses the same advertising interface, so we're going to automatically lump Instagram advertising in with Facebook.

Introduction can happen in other places online as well…

  • YouTube
  • Spotify/Other Streaming Platforms
  • TikTok

But I’ve found that the advertising capabilities of these platforms are extremely limited - and, there are some serious drawbacks compared to Facebook Ads.

So which platform is best for you?

Facebook and Instagram are obvious choices. Facebook has the most users of any social platform with 2.89 billion active monthly users. Simply put, Facebook is the most popular social platform in the world. Facebook also owns Instagram, so they share the same data. With these two giants, you can accomplish a lot for your music business without having to give much attention to other platforms.

Preparation & Research

At the Introduction Stage you’ll be spending a lot of time in Facebook Ads Manager, which is the hub of Facebook and Instagram advertising.

The Introduction stage is one that is fed entirely by research and optimization - refining your campaigns and the way they are set up, making them better and better over time. And, the life-blood of optimization is information and data. There are categories of information and data, however, that will be exceedingly important throughout the rest of your career.

First, throughout the process of building your Introduction stage campaigns and strategies, you will conduct self-analysis and self-interest research. That’s a fancy way of saying you will "learn about yourself". Specifically, you will gain a more intimate knowledge of:

  • What are your interests?
  • What subculture do you belong to?
  • What music/artists do you like?
  • What brands are you interested in?
  • What’s your story?
  • Where’d you come from?
  • What has shaped you and made you who you are?

These are all really important things to know about when marketing your music. You want to find potential areas of common ground that you and a potential new fan might share.


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