RE: Fee Structure Changes Coming to Hive-Engine


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Makes Sense.

I have another thing in mind. We are using multiple pools on HE for same token. For example, we have 4-6 pools for just DEC and is try for BEE and every other token which distributes the liquidity. It would be better to have pairs with standard token like hive or BEE whatever team choses and get a deep liquidity. So if someone wants from DEC to BEE, they will auto use DEC to HIVE and then HIVE to BEE pools, instead of using an illiquid pool of DEC to BEE.

I really liked the idea of Thora chain where everything is pooled against RUNE. So Rune value is derived from what is locked in liquidity and you can do swap on any listed tokens without creating redundant pools. We can try to work this for HE pools as well and may be use BEE token for every pool. This would increase demand for bee and also give deep liquidity for larger swaps. We don't need redundant pools. Let me know if you need help on idea/concept.

Here is thorchain for example only:
