Stop It; 5 Minutes Freewrite.

This is a free write I wrote using the 5 minutes Freewriting Prompt for the day, Stop It.


If you are a lazy person, that fundamentally means that you avoid doing things even when you know that it is worth doing. It also means that even when you do things that are worth doing, you do it haphazardly without giving your best.

What else?

A lazy person doesn't like to go through suffering, but he/she wants to enjoy the glory that comes after suffering. Lazy people are aimless and they live each day without purpose.

Of course, there is a problem with a lazy person of that sort. The first is that you end up wasting your life without taking up responsibilities that are geared toward sharpening you. Another problem with someone like that is that it will be difficult for someone like that to show competence because it takes a great deal of effort to be competent.

Just so you know, if someone calls you lazy and you know that you are lazy, being defensive wouldn't be a good idea. Take that as an opportunity to look at yourself and stop being lazy. Just stop it!

It would be in your best interest to improve yourself and, at the very least, you need to quit being lazy.

Thanks For Not Missing Any Full-stop or Comma.
Thumbnail Image is taken from Unsplash
