An Unpopular approach to forgiveness as an Act of Kindness.



It's very difficult to understand how so many people are constantly exposed to resentment and several negative emotions because of a grudge that they are holding in their hearts. The thing about having such resentment against someone is that it also hurts you who's bearing the grudge.

Is that the best approach to take? Even if it's justifiable for us to be resentful towards ourselves or another person, can't we just show forgiveness to ourselves and to others?

Doing things that warrant misunderstanding or things that make people feel offended is already part of our existential problem as humans. As long as we are alive, we will always at some point do something that will make someone feel offended. Just go and tweet "Good Morning" on your Twitter account. Some people will read that and think "What's freaking good about this morning?". Haha. It's just like that.

In the same manner, as far as you are alive, there will always come a point when people will do things that you will find offensive. Of course, some things are more offensive than others. However, being able to forgive people who offend you is something I take as a healthier approach to take instead of being resentful and getting overwhelmed by negative emotions.

Do you know that whenever there is talk about forgiveness, it's always common for the "forgive and forget" quote to come up? I don't know how you approach it in your life, but as far as I'm concerned, I'm always ready to forgive someone, but that doesn't mean that I'm going to forget what the person did.

Here's how I look at it;
  • When I forgive you, I'm showing you kindness by doing so. You can be sure that I won't bear any grudge against you and I won't be retaliating for your actions. It's also an act of kindness to myself. It helps me to heal from whatever you did.

  • The fact that I will forgive is a given, however, I won't forget your actions. If I forget, you may end up doing the same again and I will surely get burnt again. However, my choosing to not forget makes it easier for me to not let you burn me again out of my naive optimism.

A very mild reference to this is an encounter I had with a friend a few years ago. I was shopping for stuff online when he picked out two shoes and promised to pay me at a specific date if I helped him get the shoes. I didn't mind because I believed he would stick to his words. I ordered the shoes and they were delivered to him.

I waited for longer than a while for him to reimburse me the money he promised, but nothing came. I called to remind him about it and nothing inspiring came from his response. It's been 3 years already and I've already written off the money as bad debt. We are still friends because I made peace with the fact that the money is gone.

However, he knows best that anything involving "buy this for me... I will reimburse you later" isn't going to fly with me anymore. He has tried a couple of times, but I always decline. That's my way of making sure we won't have to deal with any misunderstanding that will arise if he fails to keep to his words again.

Forgiving without forgetting as an act of kindness towards oneself and others is likely going to be an unpopular opinion regarding kindness. It would be interesting to hear people's thoughts on this.

Kindness Journal


As part of the self-reflective and self-sacrificing exercise for this collaborative challenge, we were encouraged to keep a kindness Journal for each week. The one for this second week starts from last week Friday to this day. I'm keeping mine simple and straight to the point;

Friday: I helped a few people understand how to claim digs and buy more digs in our Dreemie Treasure Hunt.

Saturday: The lad that helps me refill my water containers in this dry season came as usual to do his work. He did it nicely. So, I decided to overpay him for his service.

Sunday: I went to watch my Club play an EPL game and decided to pay the viewing fee for another person.

Monday: My friend who's working really hard to learn Spanish in Duolingo got a lot of encouraging words from me that day and for the most part of the week.

Tuesday: I reached out to my brother who's writing his MBBS Exams and wished him good luck with his papers.

Wednesday: We had an electricity connectivity issue in my compound. We would have paid for someone to come and take care of it, but I knew my way around the problem. So, I stepped up, solved the issue and everyone smiled back to their apartment.

Thursday: My lady has been playfully troublesome since this morning. She randomly calls just to cause trouble. Haha. I understood the gesture, so I played along and gave her bigger playful trouble. Lol. It's nice to hear her smile from side to side whenever she realizes that I'm just causing playful chaos.

Thanks For Not Missing Any Full-stop or Comma.
Thumbnail Image is taken from Unsplash
Additional Image is also taken from Unsplash.


Resentment is a poison that affects us a lot, living with this torment for a long time because we are not able to turn the page brings bitterness and defensiveness. When we decide to give the opportunity to forgive we heal, however our behavior towards people also changes sometimes because they do not show true repentance which changes our treatment with them, although in the end each person has the decision in their hands of how they want to continue treating the other, what is true is that nothing is taken away from us by showing a sincere kindness in our acts of reconciliation. In part I also do not forget things that makes me be alert with some people, I am also willing to forgive but most of the time I have decided to stay the same with some people because they have really shown a positive change.



Thanks so much for sharing this thoughtful message about the topic of kindness & Forgiveness. It almost seem like our experience shapes the way we approach things. It's now left for us to make sure we are taking the right approach with the way we react to the things we go through in life to avoid living a life filled with resentment.

Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts on this


Twitter (X) is the birth place of sadist, there are times I will read some reasonable tweet, then sliding under the comment I would wonder what the person did to deserve such negative comments 🤦. Someone with anger issues can't survive on Twitter.

I have also heard a statement, when you forgive others you are also doing yourself a favour. When a person refuse to forgive, holding unto the resentment for a long period of time, sooner or later all the person will be filled with is bitterness.


Bro. Twitter is just like that. People get pissed about everything and they don't hesitate to transfer that aggression to someone else. Haha. I can't afford to spend too much time banting about anything in Twitter. It usually counts as a waste of time.


Forgiveness and forgetting, in my opinion, definitely do not belong in the same sentence. Sure, some things can be overlooked, and forgiveness is definitely something we do for ourselves and does not directly have anything to do with the other person. But to say forgive and forget?

Could someone who was raped, for example, forget that? The person who committed the wrong, whatever that may have been, most definitely has to account for their actions. Also, when we forgive somebody, we are not in any way saying that what you did was okay. It does not mean we have to be friends. In some situations, we may remain friends or re-establish a friendship, but in other situations, we need never speak or see the person again. We also do not have to tell the other person we have forgiven them.

Forgiveness is something we do for ourselves. It is saying, "I am not going to allow what you did to continue to hurt me." It is giving ourselves permission to move forward and not continue to be affected. But in many instances, forgetting is not possible. I am sorry it is taking me so long to read and respond to everyone's blog posts.

Thank you for your kind heart, my friend, and for sharing. I am grateful for the collaboration between kindness and Dreemport.


Haha... Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts on this and thanks for committing to read and reply all entries to this. I respect that about what you are building in this community and I genuinely learn so much from the comment you leave in each entry. I've read a lot of those... Thanks so much for consistently doing that.

Also, about the reply you gave to this, I genuinely appreciate that and I share in your line of thought regarding "Forgiving & Forgetting".


Np, ty. I hope your weekend is going well.
