A World Reigned by AI? It's still satisfying to see incredibly talented people.

It's so mesmerizing and satisfying to come across 'people' that are incredibly talented. It doesn't matter if the person is a bricklayer or a chef. As far as he's good at what he does, there is always something satisfying about watching that person do that stuff.

So, what's the place of AI when people are doing a good job?

An opportunity or a threat?

At this very moment, we can no longer deny that Artificial Intelligence (AI) has come and it has come to stay. There is a massive adoption of AI tech on several fronts and people are open to play with this newfound fancy toy. From all indications, if a tool as powerful as AI gets into the hands of responsible people, it can be used to make life easier in many jobs.


However, a lot of people have that tendency of being irresponsible. This is why some people that call themselves writers can easily quit the whole creative process involved with coming up with quality and genuine content just because there is an AI like ChatGPT. This is why I won't be surprised if we ever wake up to a day when AI techs get to take over the labour market.

Do I have the skills that will aid me to survive the reign of AI?

Big Question!

This is worth thinking about because the developers of several AI techs are proving to have no limitations in their attempt to plant their techs in several professions out there.

Before I got into the things I'm doing now to make ends meet, I worked in the Banking sector and it was a fancy career to have to your name. That name 'Banker' wasn't a joke, but anyone that understands what's happening in the labour market can easily notice that AI has crept into the banking sector.

It almost seems like Bankers were the first to get hit by this wave of AI. They are becoming irrelevant in the same place where they used to be very useful. Ever since I left the Banking sector, I've been able to gain practical training in this area;

  • Counseling

  • Teaching

  • Podcasting

  • Writing

  • Cryptocurrency

  • Communication

  • Video editing and

  • Humanities.

From a first look, none of these looks like the most sophisticated of skills to have. So, people usually think there is no way to monetize any of those skills. Do you also think the same?

Hah! Haha!

Think Again!

One of the people I met and discussed with this Tuesday had a lot of doubts about the chances of monetizing her creativity. She's a deep thinker, an unconventional lady and someone that have been writing things for writing's sake and for the fun of the art.

While discussing with her, I discovered that she recently lost her clerical role in an organization and currently struggling with thoughts of what to do with the writing skill which she has been nurturing for a while. She was planning to apply for more clerical roles whenever she come across such job advert placement.

Information though. That proves that information is power. If only she knew about the existence of Hive, right?

Fret not! I gave her snippets and gave her homework. She did her research, jump around the website and was intrigued by what she saw. She signed up yesterday and her introductory post will be dropping any moment from now.

Whatever the case may be, I know that when allowed to read what's written by an AI or something written by a human, I will wholeheartedly opt for the one written by a human. So, whatever we do here can stand the test of AI and we can still thrive in a world under the reign of AI.

Thanks For Not Missing Any Full-stop Or Comma.
Thumbnail Image is taken from Unsplash.


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 164 of my contest just started...you can now check the winners of the previous week!


Thank you for this post but I know about this is that , it will cause a war between people and AI because is not everyone that love being lazy about things .


Exactly. You said it how it should be

For some people, just the thought of picking up a remote to switch channels on television has become a big deal so they want a TV that has AI which works on voice command. Haha.

AI is a good flex until it gets a little too much and becomes a problem. Hehe.


Omo! Look at that long list of skills haha... All on point, AI can't beat that 😂

Even with the recent rampant use of AI for contents, some people aren't getting the support they expect on it because many are after originality and personal touches which AI won't give.

Seems I'm the only one with a few skills to fight AI in the future but no worries, we learn everyday 💯

Nice reading from you Boss 🙌


Lol... I remember how a lot of people dived into ChatGPT and other content generating AI. People saw it as an easy way to make money, but a lot of those people are getting slapped on the face by reality. Haha.

AI can do it's thing, but anyone that's getting overly dependent on AI will soon find out that he/she is going down a bad road. Haha


Haha a bad road indeed, we as humans should know our worth even in the reign of AI
They can't and shouldn't replace humans 😑


Who said those skills up there cannot be monetized? Just like the Bible that says, a fool says "there is no God" same thing with someone saying those skills cannot be monetized unless such an individual is still ignorant or just laziness disturbing him or her. Glad you were even able to bring the lady on Hive so she could continue utilising her skill while making cool cash for herself.

I will also appreciate a work written by a human and not AI.


Nice one, Princess. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this. Hehe.

Truly, these skills are truly monetizable. It's all about the willingness to monetize them in addition to the skill to do so. Hehe.


AI came to us for providing facilities and to make our life easy and comfortable but most of us think of AI as our enemy and at some point, their thinking is also justified. But wherever human emotions are connected there AI won't be able to take place.


Exactly. AI has limitations and one of the obvious ones is the fact that AI needs humans around to run it's maintenance. If we are not there, AI techs wouldn't be utilized as much


Yes without human AI is nothing. In case of updates of AI it need human because it can't make update automatically and it don't have that ability to think what kind of update it need.
