The Stakeout [Fiction]


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It was a suspenseful wait for members of Michigan Police Crime Prevention Unit (MCPU) as three tall men in black hooded sweatshirts met under the deserted footbridge close to The Confluence, a five-star hotel widely known for hosting members of the organised crime in the city.

"Are you certain Marley will be here?" Banks asked, his deep-set eyes cold, a sharp focus on Mac Bridger who sat in the passenger seat beside him in his black SUV.

"Affirmative, Sarge," Mac said, wiping his sweaty brow with a small towel. He appeared jittery, tapping the armrest on the passenger door. The summer heat made the waiting tedious for the Unit. He gave his Unit leader, Sergeant Trevor Banks, a side glance.

Trevor Banks was a tall, well-built and enigmatic man known for his brilliance and pragmatism. Being one of dedicated officers in the force, he had never been known to fail in any mission. This made Mac nervous. This was his first case since he received his detective badge and he'd assured his Unit leader, Sergeant Trevor Banks, that his CI, Marley, would lead them to Xavier Sawyer.

The MCPU in collaboration with the Narcotics Unit had been after Xavier Sawyer for years since he took over the importation and distribution of inhalants and opioids in large quantities that led to the death of youths in the city. His operations were orderly and covert, making it difficult for the Units to find probable cause to arrest him and shut down his operations.

Mac Bridger remembered Marley had several legal dealings with Xavier Sawyer and put him forward as his CI, believing it was the best way to poach a hole into Xavier's operations.

"He should be here any moment." Mac reassured his superior again when his phone vibrated, drawing a quick glance from Banks. "It's Marley," he reported. Banks nodded and Mac picked the call.

"Where are you, man?" Mac's knuckles were white as he gripped his cell phone to his ear. Banks quietly tapped his fingers on the steering wheel assuming a relaxed position.

It was not on speaker but Marley's heavy breathing through the phone filled the quiet car. "Sorry, I couldn't get a - uh - parking space. I'm almost here," Marley said, out of breath.

"Take a minute to calm down," Mac warned.

"It's okay, man. I've got this. Xavier knows how I roll." Click.

Banks looked at Mac sternly. "If you have an iota of doubt, say so now and we pull out. We live to get Xavier another day."

Mac shook his head and licked his dry lips. "I trust Marley, sir. Let's do this."

Banks and his Unit were parked beside residential houses on the other side of the bridge. He quietly watched as Marley walked up to the three hooded men under the footbridge and shook hands with them. Seconds later, one of the men grabbed Marley by the collar and turned him towards their direction, speaking into his ears and pushing him forward.

Xavier and his men should not have known their stakeout location.

Just then, Banks' audio transceiver crackled in his ear. It was his Unit from the second car. "Eh, Sarge. Something is definitely off here…."

Banks pressed the small knob inside his ear and the central lock of the car at the same time. Mac looked at him with widened eyes.

"I know. I have eyes on the target," Banks muttered.

"Sarge, he's approaching with a gun to Marley's head..."

Banks noticed Mac paled at that moment. His right hand formerly resting on the passenger door was now hidden behind him. Before Mac could pull out his service gun, Banks reached across from his driver's seat to grip Mac's two wrists hard at the pulse point, weakening his hold and making him drop the gun onto the floor.

In a moment of struggle, Banks held the two wrists with one large hand, reached into his back pocket for his handcuffs and cuffed Mac's hands together.

"Stop struggling or I will break your nose," Banks threatened through gritted teeth before pressing his audio transceiver and ordering his unit to retreat immediately and return to the station.

In the interrogation room, Mac sat with his hands cuffed to the table. Banks sat in front of him and stretched out his legs.

"I've been on this job for fifteen years now and I know when an officer has been compromised. Did you think I wouldn't figure it out? Xavier can only know we were there if one of us snitched. Your recent call logs and putting Marley forward as your CI gave you away." Banks said.

"They threatened my family, Sarge," Mac replied, tears rolling down his face. He knew his career was over.

"There's nothing more to be said. You'll hand in your badge and gun."

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I hope you enjoyed reading this short story. It is my response to The Ink Well Prompt #96 inspired by the prompt "trust".


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 136 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!


I couldnt aee how the start given could wrap up into a short story and not be a disappointing start of a longer story.

Well done. You managed it.

That's not to stay it wouldn't comfortably expand, and I hope that's something you're considering.

You set the scene nicely and wrap it up with uncomplicated logic which does exactly what is required.


It's a rather sad story, but that's what makes it good. The miscreant, Mac, is complex. We rather like him. He has a family. But he has betrayed his superior officer, and the force. The best characters are neither good nor bad, but a combination of these qualities.

It was a little difficult following the action in the car, but you managed it well. The one suggestion a reader might offer is to make the first sentence less long. It's fine, but usually a punchy first line works best in a short piece such as this.

Really good job writing a detective/crime story. A betrayal of trust to be sure. Thank you for sharing this with us, @kemmyb. We appreciate that you support other authors in the community with your comments.


This is so timely for me... jsut had a friend buy a car from someone (and the car was involved in a robbery!!) and the cops just came to grab HER at gunpoint!!!

Terrible being in a mixup like this - though of course... Mac made a conscious decision - EVEN though they threatened his family... my gosh.

between a rock and a hard place. What a terrible situation all around!

are you a published author on Amazon yet? hehehe you need to be!!!! LOL here for the Inkwell author support <3

(been too long, lady! hehe hope you're well!)


Hopefully he will catch Xavier one day! Always sad when an officer betrays his team :(



Always a mole in the force dishing out information. If his family was threatened he should have been honest and not pull a gun. Good thing he was caught in time. Felt like u was watching an action movie. Hehe


In real life the anti-heroes are not outright evil. Their motives are more practical. Love the realistic and complex morality of the story.
