The Paradox Of Freedom



When freedom is, yet not being free,
A paradox of epic degree,
For how can we call ourselves unfettered,
When shackles of oppression remain unweathered?

It's a hollow promise, a cruel joke,
To tell us we're free yet choke,
Under the weight of tyranny's grip,
Unable to escape, unable to slip.

Freedom should mean the right to choose,
To live our lives as we wish to use,
But when inequality persists,
Freedom's promise is all but dismissed.

For those who are marginalised,
The concept of freedom becomes a test,
Of patience, of strength, of resolve,
Of fighting back, of trying to evolve.

When freedom is not really being free,
It's the realisation that we cannot be,
Truly free until all are unchained,
Until all have a voice, until all are explained.

Until then, we must work together,
To break down walls, to fight for what's better,
To lift up those who are in need,
To sow seeds of hope, to help them succeed.

For freedom cannot be truly won,
Until we realise that it's not just one,
But a collective dream that we all share,
To create a world that is truly fair.

So let us work together, hand in hand,
To create a world where freedom stands,
For all who call it home, for all who believe,
That freedom is not really being free, until all are free.

The foundation of our origin speaks of freedom —freedom to live. Yet life is not free, is it? Everything comes at a cost. When you pay the 'price', you get what you want. We pursue freedom, every motivation is geared towards this elusive term that appears real yet is a mirage. Invariably, it's a paradox.


Most sovereign countries make it a cornerstone of their democratic society yet their citizens wail and protest for it. If it's something the government can take away at a whim, it's no longer real.

The reality is that true freedom is often elusive and difficult to achieve. The paradox lies in the fact that while freedom promises us the right to self-determination and autonomy, the structures and systems in place may limit or undermine that very freedom. People may be free to choose their path in life, but if they face discrimination or systemic barriers, their choices may be limited.

And when true freedom comes, it doesn't come alone. It comes with responsibilities and trade-offs. Show me a man with true freedom within his grasp and you'll see a man rolling down a dark tunnel into a pit of despair and harm. The concept is strange to him. He is unable to handle it….

…. because it's a mirage.


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 145 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!


I've seen what you describe so many times. people on the cusp of truly freeing themselves from the chains that they've allowed for so long.

but the chains have become comfortable and familiar and predictable. And the thought of not feeling those chains feels foreign and scary and indeed... they choose to remain there.

I remember when I was around.. 11 years old maybe? I finally understood that I was free to make any choice that I wanted.

i think - as children - we think "No, I can't do that or else I'll get in trouble - so, its out of the question. I'm limited in my actions."

But I remember it clearly - the conversation I had with my mom! ahahah (and she wasn't happy about these thoughts of mine because she thought I was contemplating rebellion! LOL)

but I simply told her... Mom, i just realized. I've always thought I CAN'T do something - because of the consequences. But now I realize I CAN do ANYTHING, in spite of the consequences! those are two very different observations!

She said - no you can't! Because you'll get in trouble!

I said - yes, but I can take that into consideration - and still DO it, and accept the consequences.

She had nothing to say! lol because - as an adult, she already realized that though our choices might bring severe consequences - no one can take the CHOICE away from us.

And once we realize that... I think that is a step towards true freedom. Knowing that no one can ever take our will away. We can only give it, in submission - from fear, from loyalty, from obedience, from... lots of things. but it IS our choice to give it - or rebel.

and each choice comes with a cost.

love this post Miss EKG :)


But now I realize I CAN do ANYTHING, in spite of the consequences!

You perfectly captured my reflection in this statement. The area most of us have difficulty is 'accepting' the consequences of our choices. When we do, we experience true freedom! I'm happy this poem resonates with you. Thank you for stopping by. 🥰💕


I know the feeling of having those in your hands!!
Every time when i see them makes me feel so bad and strong in the same time. 🫶🏻


Thanks so much for your comment. 🥰


Yh, freedom is elusive because we can't be truly free, it's difficult to imagine what true freedom really is.

But I found out something,True freedom comes with laws and principles, understanding and accepting these laws and principles will leads to freedom.

So many conflicting thoughts, gat me wondering if there's anything like freedom.


True freedom comes with laws and principles, understanding and accepting these laws and principles will leads to freedom.

Well said! Those are the tradeoffs attached to 'freedom' —accepting the responsibilities and consequences that comes with it! Thanks so much for your visit! !PIZZA 🙂
