The high cost of living and mental health


I stepped out this evening to buy diapers and was shocked that the price has increased drastically. It increased by 30% and when I asked what the problem was, they seemed not to have an explanation for the increase. So I am wondering if people just wake up and hike prices with no reason or is there something else that is happening that I don't even know about?


I cannot remember when last I watched the news and heard anything positive from the beginning of the broadcast till the end. If it is not war, then it is flood or economic situation and then the latest, political aspirants attacking themselves up and down. One is forced to ask, which way to go?.

The economic situation has gotten to the point where one needs to really guide their mental health because it is getting worse every single day. How come you buy something today and the next day, it has increased? And the worse is that you won't even find a good reason for the increase.

Just last night, I heard over the radio when someone was complaining that he boarded a commercial bus in the morning to work at a normal price and when he was going back home, the price had increased. There was no increase in the price of petrol, rain didn't fall for drivers to give the excuse of traffic or any other thing. According to the caller, the driver was so bold to say that if he won't enter, he should leave. What will you say about this situation? Is it greed or it is just inhumanity?

A lot is going on right now in almost every country and it is very important that you take care of yourself so that you don't end up giving yourself high blood pressure. In fact the rate at which young people develop high blood pressure these days is alarming and that's because of the stress. You work so hard everyday and you don't even see what you are working for. A friend once told me that her workload had increased and the most painful part is that her salary was still the same. She wasn't getting any raise in salary to even compensate for the work. And if you say you want to quit your job, what will you be doing at home? In this time where to get a job is very difficult. So the best thing is to manage the one you have and keep praying that it will be well one day.

People are not happy these days and if you are not careful with the way you talk to people, you may just put yourself in trouble because everyone is angry. It is important that we look after our selves and ensure that our mental health is stable.

Here are some tips to help us

Take some time off

Sometimes all we need to do to help our selves is just to relax and take some time to cool off. It is not easy anywhere and since it seems like everyone you meet on the way is angry at the situation of things, it is important that you just relax your mind and stop stressing yourself. Relax as much as you can and calm your nerves the best way you can. You can go clubbing,swimming and if you also can, have some time out with friends.

Check on your family and friends

With the economic situation, a lot of people have lost hope and the best we can all do is encourage ourselves and check on ourselves as often as possible. If we don't care for each other and look after each other, we may not even know what our friends and family members are going through.

Be kind

A little show of kindness can go a long way to lift someone's spirit. Like I said earlier, people are not smiling. The best we can all do is show some love and try the best way we can to be kind to people around us.

If you read up til this point, I will love to know in the comment section how you are coping in this time where a lot of things are happening. What are you doing to ensure your sanity?


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