Take the step, take the risk


Wealth creation is a journey.


You have to take steps to get to your destination of wealth. And those steps are the risks that you take. So many people struggle to get to their destination because instead of focusing on the steps that will lead them to their destination(wealth), they are busy being stuck in their comfort zone whilst still dreaming.

Successful people understand that risks are part of the steps that one takes to create wealth and so they are fully prepared to take those risks. If you want to make it, you need to leave that comfort zone and move a ahead of it. Being scared is generally a barrier while some people are still where they are. Fear is a weapon that can keep you in a place for donkey years.

Just like they say, if you don't try, how will you even know if it will work or not?

Being afraid to fail, means that you are not ready to move ahead. In fact, failure is necessary to build you and make you strong in life. The best lessons are learnt from your own mistakes.

Both failure and success are important for everyone in life.

The more you take those steps filled with risks, the more you get close to achieving success. Without risk, there is no gain.

Before now, I use to be scared to fail. If I do something and it doesn't turn out good, I will be sober to the point of never doing that stuff again. I lost a big opportunity in my early days of my career journey because I failed in my first attempt. I was so angry and left. Even though I know better now, just maybe if I had learnt and picked up myself at that point to move on, who knows where I would have been by now?

Creating wealth also means having value. I don't think there is any one who loves to spend their money on things that do not bring value to them. If as a business owner your products do not have value, you may end up being the only one to eat from your products. Everyone wants to have something that is of value and that's where you come in as a business person.

Give value and in turn, get wealth

When you offer value through your products and services, you get people who in turn will give you their money to get the value that you render(your products and services). Giving value here means providing quality for your customers. So many people do not understand that giving quality value is one of the secrets of wealth creating. I cannot buy let's say a pair of shoes from you and then you expect me to come back to purchase another pair when the one I bought pulled off the very first day I bought them. Yes you have giving me value for my money in terms of the pair of shoes but you didn't give me quality.

Value and quality work hand in hand

So if you want to create wealth:

  • Take risks
  • Give value
  • Give quality
  • Don't join the bandwagon train in business. There is a need for you to stand out. If you do what people are doing, you will just be like every other person and you may not find your feet. Look for something that will make you stand out and follow that path.
  • Keep researching for ways to improve yourself and your business.

Lastly, breathe and relax because everything will be alright.

Thank you for reading. If you love this post, please support me by reblogging and upvoting. Thank you so much for your support on all my articles.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Many of us are afraid to try and most times, when we try and fail, we stop because we get more scared of trying again because of our belief that we are going to fail. If we do not keep trying, how do we expect to get perfect at it? There is risk in everything that involves success and acquiring wealth and if we aren´t ready to take the risks, we will never get what we want.


Well said. We need to understand that failure is an ingredient in life. It helps to shape us. So when we fail, what we should do next is dust ourselves and try again.

Thank you for reading


Going to see this, one of the greatest enemy of success is fear and why most individual find it hard to grow financial, crypto on it own is one of the greatest step one could take, but people run away cause of fear of not losing funds.

Even businesses and investments also has to do with risk, this is what people need to understand and life on it own comes with risk too

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


No pain, no gain. What fear does is to hold you hostage. So even if you can do it, you wouldn't try because you are scared.

Thanks for your contribution
