Happy international men's day


Every 19th of November is set aside to celebrate men. I bet you, a lot of people didn't even take note of it. Surprisingly unlike women's day, and as usual, it didn't trend at all. To even add, a lot of men didn't even know about the celebration and one is being forced to ask why it is usually like that. Is it that men are not worthy of celebration or the society doesn't just see it as a big deal?

After thinking through, I have come to understand that the society itself have put so much pressure on men to the point that they barely find their feet in most cases. It is a sad reality which has grown to become a normal thing for men. You will notice that they hardly even remember their birthdays, their anniversary and even that of their family. But they are compelled to celebrate that of others and if a husband doesn't remember his wife's birthday, the roof will fall down in that house. I see it as unfair sometimes.

Men too are first humans and deserves to be celebrated too. The society needs to rethink about the pressure that they put on men and help these men come out of this shell of keeping a lot of things to themselves. You will realize that hardly will you see a man cry. Just because they say "men don't cry", doesn't mean that they don't have emotions. In fact seeing a man cry looks weird. Many people think that men who cry are weaklings. They wake up everyday to fend for their families and if they don't meet up to the demands of their families, they are called lazy.

We expect so much from these men and forget that both men and women have capabilities to work hard together. It annoys me when I hear women say they want the soft life and would never marry a poor man. It is this same pressure that makes these men work so hard that they forget to take care of themselves. 70% of men these have developed high blood pressure because of stress.

As women, we owe our men duties of caring for them. At least be their shoulder to lean on. The economy of so many countries are not favourable this period and the least we can do as wives and mothers and even sisters is to support these men. Being their peace and assuring them that everything will be alright. It will boost their moral and help them come out of their shell to do better. These men are doing a lot and deserves our appreciation.

I am using this opportunity to wish every man here on hive especially @josediccus @onwugbenuvictor @snowflakesduke @readthisplease @hironakamura @zestimony @samostically @attentionneeded @belemo and so many more a pleasant day celebration.

Happy men's day to you all. You all rock.

Tag a man in the comment section and appreciate him



It’s funny and sad but I as well had no idea it was international men’s day lol.

I think there is a lot of pressure on men for sure but that pressure is needed and important. Excessive pressure is difficult to deal with but we need the pressure and stress in order to properly function and form the society we want. When there isn’t pressure then people tend to get lazy and that’s never good. I think evolutionarily we have built up tolerances and the ability to cope with these types of pressures so I don’t mind it. As I get older, I’ve realized that these are important things in a man’s life. One of the other important thing is that men need a rite of passage. A lot of western men don’t have this and it’s led to some of society’s issues I think, where people don’t transition from a boy to teenager to man.


I always love the way you dissect things. I honestly didn't see it from this angle.

From your point of view, I have deduced that the pressure helps a man become a man. Just like you rightly pointed out, he will be lazy. Actually there are lots of responsibilities on his shoulder already and if he becomes lazy it is bad.

The right of passage is eminent in my country. And I guess that's why the men in my country work hard too.

Thanks for your contribution


Thanks! I didn't think of it this way exactly until reading your post but will take this perspective forward with me for the future!

With all of that said, as I mentioned, it's important for the stress and pressure to not be excessive. I don't know what the proper amount is though lol

Thanks for dropping the post here :D it’s good to think of these things!
