Does money bring happiness?



There is always this feeling of excitement when you look at your bank account and see the fat amount of money cooling there. Everyone wants to have a good life. That's the essence of working hard right? Imagine working really hard everyday and getting nothing in return, how does that feel for you? Well, we all know the answer.

Everyone is struggling to be able to put food on their table and give their children and even generation to come the very good life. But the big question is, does money bring happiness?

This question is determined by what you define as happiness. If your definition of happiness is being able to cater for your needs, then maybe money can fetch you happiness because it is money that one uses to sort out material needs. Other persons do not tie their happiness to material things. Being around loved ones and doing what they love in terms of career and so on, is what they call happiness.

So which school of thought do you fall in?

For me, I agree with both. This is so because, if I have needs and can take care of them, it makes me happy. If I have people who are dear to my heart around me all the time, it also makes me happy. Money is just good because it has value and its value also determines your worth in the society. I have never seen someone who is so excited about not having money.

Generally I think what should matter is what money brings you as a person.


Your happiness is determined by your own definition of it. Yes, money brings some kind of feeling of satisfaction because it takes care of immediate needs. There is a sure increase of happiness when you look around and see your achievements or even investments. But in all, whether or not money brings happiness for you is your decision. Just be happy.


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I think that when you are happy money comes easily ✨


So build your happiness first and money can come later?

