Acquire skills that will help you in the future


Hello hivers, welcome back to my blog.


In class today, someone asked a question about what skills to acquire after school that will fetch her a good stream of income in the future. People made their suggestions but one struck me. The suggestion didn't sit down well with me. I reasoned it and told myself that at the long run, this particular choice will face out and then she will be left hanging at the end of the day.

There are some skills that you may not use for a long time. And I ask, if you are not using those skills that you have acquired, how will they fetch you money? Let's be realistic here, assuming you are a welder and that's all you know how to do, what if there is no welding job for you? How on earth will you feed? No disrespect to any profession by the way. I am just saying that there are some skills that you need to add something to it if you want to make money for yourself and not end up borrowing.

There is absolutely nothing wrong in acquiring as much skills as you want. It is of utmost importance if you have these skills because just in case one doesn't favour you, another will favour. Now as a pastry chef, I know that people must eat everyday. Acquiring a culinary skill is a wonderful way to earn everyday because just like I said, people must eat everyday. So you won't even lack customers at all. And food is not streamlined to anyone. Both adults and children will eat. All you need is just be good at what you do.

This is exactly my point. Have a skill that will put food on your table at all times. Let your skills not be an occasional one. Where it will take weeks or months or even years to work. At least, let your skills be capable to catering for your financial needs at all times. I have a neighbor who is a caterer. Out of four weekends in a month, at least she cooks for three weekends. Now tell me if this lady will be going through financial crises? No because at least she is always being booked and cab at least feed herself and family.

So let your skills put food on your table. It is important that you sit down and think of a skill that is occasional. Think of acquiring a skill that is in demand. That way, you tend to sort out your financial needs.

Thank you for reading


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In the country where we live today, getting a skill is just the best thing to do.
