The Hobbit (An Unexpected Journey)


The Hobbit review (An unexpected journey)
Yeah,today we'll be talking about this movie not a big fan of movie but this one...this one is exceptional,I remember watching this movie I literally dropped everything I was doing cuz I was curious and wanted to know more about it,haha.
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Firstly I'd say I love the story's quite remarkable,talking about brave warriors and magician with funny scenes and great adventures. I think the movie is really perfect as all characters played their roles pretty well. The dwarf,magicians....speaking of the dwarf,I remembered when all of them walked into the hobbit's house Bilbo, I laughed so hard watching that scene especially when they all started eating his food🤣😂. If it was me my brother I swr....I'd have killed a lot of people🤣.

Another remarkable scene I love was when they all started singing in Bilbo's house like....that song gave me chills, the melody of great voices mixed together to form a wonderful harmony( hope u get what I mean🙃😅) Like menhhhh I seriously love the movie,the adventures and everything. A movie that teaches a lot on patience, self control, friendship,bravery,loyalty and why knowledge is important....personally i feel the king is being quite too hard on himself. Although I understand he's in a lot of pressure,he's representing the line of great courageous men so he probably doesn't want to kill the confidence people have in them and yes,he's really doing well but I think he shouldn't be in a hurry all the time.
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The movie is one of the few movie in the world one can watch anywhere with anyone, although I haven't watched am of the hobbit's series but so far the one I've watched I haven't really seen any 18+ scene.....haven't seen any scene that I feel isn't appropriate for a 10year old child to watch in-fact I think the lady in this episode of the movie aren't up to 3, like that's crazy. Other than that white female magician and one lady I think I saw in the beginning of the movie don't think there's any other female in the movie (correct me if I'm wrong though)

Not just that it wasn't a sexualized movie it's also not filled with too much violence. Yes they were great wars and bloodshed but the fact that all these were done in a very satisfactory way makes it much more better. I'm not a fan of violence so I like my movies not too aggressive 😭😂 and that's why I'm a fan of Jackie Chan....big fan of him!! He's probably my best male actor.

I'll try and watch more of the hobbits though,watch all of see if there's violence and sexual content so I don't pass wrong informations but I don't think there's is anyways. I even found out lately that most of them (the cast) in the movie won awards and the movie itself,like that's so amazing,such great achievements. I just hope more movies like this gets the acknowledge it deserves. I feel it'll help improve morality and builds insights the importance in some area of our lives such as been clever,brave and even loyal.

Anyways got to go now,thanks for reading through and it's a privilege to share my interest with you,hope u like it...gotta go now,see y'all later.🙂
