Football Team I Support

Team I support Chelsea Fc. Blues for life💙.
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This is literally my favorite club,the club I grew up with,the club I cherish the most. You know there's a lot to talk about this great club but I don't think I'll be saying all for now,lemme just write for this post cuz I might end up writing for a whole day🤣🤣

The club of success, The pride of London💙. Under the great Russian "Roman Abramovich" although I still see a great future with this current owner but Roman was something else. My beloved blue, admired by great talents,by the little magician himself Lionel Messi!! A club with strong spirit, loud energized fans eager to devour opponents with their mighty roar!! Great aggressive fighters that now stands as legends,Super Frankie,Drogba,Terry,Thiago Silva our fine wine creating his image💫
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You see...there's a lot to write about this club,one of my greatest memory was Drogba's equalizer again Bayern like...the tremendous roar still echo's in my ear like it just happened. I'd love to see this club to forever soar high, I don't like wishing bad for anyone but you see.....this is football,people eventually cry,it brings both sadness and joy.....and the only tear I ever want to share for this club is tears of joy so dear rival know what I mean right?
🤣 I'm not wishing u bad o but for us to be so excited one has to be sad.

A very Ambitious club, we're always the underrated club among the top four in EPL despite been one of the most successful English club in Europe. Our legend, José Mourinho once said there's an agenda against Chelsea in the premier league and I can't agree less, we're the most hated and most envious club in EPL especially that "Manchester" I stop there, if I am to write eh I'll not finish today🤣,lemme just stop here. one of these days I'll sit down and write a documentary about this great club, My favorite club. Anyways thanks for reading through,got to go now,see ya all later
later and have a nice day.


Chelsea might be the pride of London but Manchester United is quite better than them.
