Splinterlands: Is Guild-Play The Best Part Of The Game?

It's been over three months since I started guild play and it's been the most interesting and most lucrative aspect of splinterlands, exceeding my expectations and reducing my worries about having to put in too much time.

One very big worry for me was finding the right Guild; the right set of players and the mindset as well. I did find a very good guild, and it's been a rollercoaster ride since then. Guild play is a team effort, sometimes your guild members do well in their personal games and you do badly in yours, sometimes it's the other way round.

There are times everyone collectively does well and there are times everyone does badly. However, no matter the outcome, you still get some SPS for showing up. The guild hasn't been much of a hassle and sometimes, I wish I had started sooner. I like the fact that my Gladius collection is really growing, I like the fact that I can compete with them even in ranked battles, another aspect that thrills me is using the soulbound summoners to compete in high mana games either in the guild or ranked battles.

My biggest summoner is the Possibilius the Wise and I've never had a bigger summoner. It takes hundreds and even thousands of dollars to build summoners. Because of the lack of resources, my favorite summoner, the kelya fredul is still caught up in level 3, and before the soulbound cards I've been really wondering how I'm going to raise the level of my Summoners if I don't have money, the decision for the soulbound summoners have been amazing. Provided the mana of one's game is decent, it's possible to own even a max-level soulbound summoner.

I believe the soulbound reward will not be here forever. On splinterlands, change is always constant, this might actually be the only time to own maxed summoners that aren't actually bought with money, but with efforts and competing with time and one's original in-game assets.

This is why it's probably the best time to compete on splinterlands because summoners are in-game assets that will always have utility, because of the value they possess to gameplay. For people without much money to spend, building soulbound summoners might be one shot to have a taste of what it feels like to play in the big leagues.



My last two guild outing hasn't been so terrible, over 29 SPS in a week of playing isn't bad, and this eventually gets better when the guild ranks even better. I've been getting some decent gold cards lately, I don't care whether they don't have $$$ value, they're Gold assets and I'm always happy getting them.


Also, I've been posting the progress of the Gladius packs I've been opening lately In one of my posts, I talked about getting my first Quora,


I'm documenting very unique card I'm getting, and so far, I'm still waiting for my first legendary gladius cards. If you haven't joined a Guild, it's the best decision you'll ever make on splinterlands.

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I agree that a guild is a great decision. The brawl rewards are almost equal to my own ranked battles rewards and they take far less time compared to them. The merits are nice and the gladius cards are also great additions to our decks.


I think I don't get good SPS drop like I used to, but the guild has compensated nicely for them. How many SPS do you average, every guild battle.


I think I average 20 SPS or so per battle. Our guild generally tends to rank 2nd or 3rd on average. Gold foil battles tend to be harder but I also submit fewer matches as well.


Your Guild is quite a successful one. I think I average about 13 SPS, which is very decent for me. I also submit fewer battles sometimes.. I don't know why this is so. 20 is mouthwatering..


Guilds are awesome if you can find the right group of people because it makes the game much more social in my opinion. You have a great sub-community within the game that has a common goal and can help each other achieve it. My hope is that they double down on guild activities and we see guilds become almost like international sports clubs in the future that try to attract the top talent in the game.


I can say I've enjoyed my guild experience, more than even any other on splinterlands. Like you said, the Guild have shown the prospect of even being bigger than it currently seem and I hope splinterlands can also pay more attention there as well as continously revamp it.


I know the team has mentioned wanted to add new buildings in Q3 after land 1.5 is. Beyond that I'm not sure but same as you, I hope they expand it into something much better.


Well, the teams has always been innovative, it's just that it's recently been drab for a while, I hope so too.
