RE: In Introspection: The Hustler's State Of Mind


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Thanks for sharing @josediccus so amazing to hear this.

Hmm, just Hmmm 😊. I guess being intentional and fucused strengthened the hustling spirit 'cause many will face this and will never make a good decision for themselves. My reality has always been we face what we faced because we're different and we have a great future, I guess if we keep that in mind we won't be distracted by what we face. You have face alot and your intentionality has keep you going.

What an incredible time to be alive, incredible moment in the history of this little rock we called earth for all of us to be here is sent in beings experiencing this thing called life. Never, not in the history of this glorious continent of ours have we had our footsteps the opportunities that we have,and sincerely thank God for this time and season, sorry I might sound cryptic, but I guess this moment and this season to sieze and to make the best of it and you know for seizing and making best of it, we really need to be intentional about this moment. There's one thing I know excellence happens under many circumstances but never happen as a coincidence. Sorry, that's my view.


Thanks for your summation, I appreciate it.
