Melodies of Strength 🎺🎷🥁


I was scrolling through my music folders ( I have so many of them titled and inbuilt with so many genres of music) when I came across my “Me" folder . I created it months back and totally forgotten about it till I opted in to what’s inside . Then I found these four songs:

"Imagine" by John Lennon

Just as the title of the song “Imagine “ which means mental image or scenario in ones mind ; that’s what John Lennon tried to work on in this song . Well, "Imagine" by John Lennon is an iconic song that transcends time and continues to inspire people around the world. I remembered the first time I heard it, its profound lyrics immediately struck a chord within me. The way Lennon envisions a world without borders, religions, or possessions is truly thought-provoking and encourages us to reflect on the potential for a more harmonious existence.

I remember listening to this song during a road trip with a friend and it sparked a deep conversation about the power of imagination and the role each of us plays in shaping the world.

The song encourages us to dream big and believe in the possibility of positive change. It's a reminder that despite the challenges we face, we can work together to create a better future. Every time I hear the song, it stirs up a sense of optimism and motivates me to contribute positively to the world around me. As we carry the spirit of "Imagine" in our hearts, let's work towards making its vision a reality, one step at a time.

"Bohemian Rhapsody" by Queen

"Bohemian Rhapsody" by Queen is a musical masterpiece that transcends genres and generations. Its unique blend of rock, opera, and ballad elements creates an unforgettable experience that takes listeners on an emotional rollercoaster.

I remember i heard it first from an outing before deciding to download it .The powerful vocals left me especially in awe. It's like a mini-opera within a song, weaving a captivating tale that keeps you engaged from start to finish, gripping you with an unending suspense.

"Bohemian Rhapsody" for me isn't just a song; it's an experience. It's a song that invites you to let go and immerse yourself in its storytelling. The operatic middle section, followed by the electrifying guitar solo, ignites a rush of emotions that's hard to describe. The song has the ability to bridge gaps, evoke strong emotions, and transport us to different worlds. Furtherly, encourages us to embrace our individuality and appreciate the complexity of art.

"I Will Survive" by Gloria Gaynor

"I Will Survive" by Gloria Gaynor is more than just a song; it's an anthem of resilience that has touched the hearts of countless individuals. Whenever I hear this song, it takes me back to a tough time in my life when I needed encouragement. The lyrics became a source of motivation that helped me push through and come out stronger on the other side.

The song is a reminder that setbacks and heartaches are a natural part of life, but they don't define us. The powerful chorus, "I will survive, hey, hey," is like a declaration of independence, a bold assertion that we won't let anything keep us down.

"I Will Survive" has a way of bringing people together. I remember attending a karaoke night where a shy individual got up on stage and belted out this song with unwavering confidence. The whole room was captivated by their courage, and it turned into a celebratory moment of unity and support.

“I Will Survive." Should be your anthem of courage, and let it inspire you to keep moving forward, no matter what comes your way.

"Happy" by Pharrell Williams

"Happy" by Pharrell Williams is a burst of pure joy that has the power to instantly uplift your spirits. Whenever I hear those catchy beats and Pharrell's infectious vocals, it's like a ray of sunshine breaking through the clouds.

I do turn up the volume to the highest and sing along at the top of my lungs anytime I’m listening to it . I must say It's impossible not to tap your feet or nod your head to the rhythm. Whether you're young or old, from any corner of the world, the song's message of finding joy in life's simple moments resonates deeply.

Aside everything, “Happy" reminds me that happiness is a choice. No matter the challenges life throws at us, there's always an opportunity to find and celebrate moments of happiness.

These four songs, with their psychological and emotional depth, have touched countless lives, including my own, and will continue to inspire and reflects . In all, no matter the challenges thrown at us , let us find happiness in it as those challenges will come and go . Till the next time , we meet …

Thanks for reading and have a wonderful day.


Those are some GREAT songs put together! 🙇
Love John Lennon and Queen tracks 😍
Gloria Gaynor is a classic as well. Had to play it, since I didn't recognise her name. But yes, do like this one as well, a lot 😉
It's really nice to read these tracks made such an impact on you. The power of music, I always say. It's not just music, it does so much more to us, or at least, music can do so much more to us when we let it do its work 😉


You're right, music only works when we allow. A lot of things I find difficult to do but when I need to calm my brain so as to meditate. There's more to music that some people are yet to know. Thanks so much for your contribution and taking time to go through my content. You're amazing ✌️😅.
