40.90975625 BEE
Vote Value
0.00337466 BEE
Ithara Gaïan
Prince of Principality of Bastion. FRENCH COMMUNITY CURATOR . OWNER @META-ETRE . Streamer on Twitch, Gamer, micronationalist. Fighting for a better world from Bastion Principality. Supporting projects on hive (Senior Support Specialist ICT). And militating for Universal Allocation.
618.04179003 BEE
Vote Value
0.05098255 BEE
The Tavern of the Principality of Bastion
Curator Account From The Principality of Bastion (Micronation) ran by @itharagaian. ***Manually Curating French Posts + posts Itharagaian appreciates (Min 300 words)*** The votes are manually performed by Itharagaian, and the curation follows him (triggering the trail too). To participate, just follow our trail on hive.
58.21678383 BEE
Vote Value
0.00480233 BEE