Hivestats Review and feedback


Analytics are quite useful to see how well your actions are doing and one of the tools for Hive is Hivestats. For my general analytics, I tend to prefer PeakD tools for my own account because it's simple and easy to understand. However I want more in-depth statistics sometimes and this is where Hivestats comes in.


To get your own statistics, all you need to do is input your username into the bar after going to Hivestats.

general info.png
The first thing that will come up is your general information and statistics. On the left is your own profile with a sliding bar to check how much your vote would be worth in Hive. In the middle is your curation APR. The right contains all your general information on your account with things such as your current vote value and follower information.

price feed.png
While I don't prefer to check prices all the time, it's a nice place to see the current CubDefi LP APRs and I don't remember seeing it in the last version. Most of what I invest into CubDefi and Hive/LEO is more for the long term. So the price only matters when you sell or buy.

Another new addition is the ability to do actions on your own wallet. There isn't anything too different from what you can do on places like PeakD so I don't really consider this that important.

Now we have something that I am really looking forward to and that is the new charts for analytics. I was a bit confused but then I realized that the next point in the line is the previous value plus the green bar. This chart is a little bit different from PeakD so you can see all your rewards together and how much they are compared to each other.

Another new thing added is all of our pending author and curation rewards. I think it's quite nice to see all of this in perspective and I can always go through to see how well I am doing on both ends. I do think that there should be some extra filters so it can show comments only or posts only.

First off, I was shocked to see so many PGM tokens in my wallet. Obviously I think something went wrong and I went to their discord and contacted them about it. If it was a mistake, I will send them back to him because it would be bad if it messed up the project.

As for the second thing I noted, there seems to be a mistake in the value calculated using the Hive Engine portion. I did receive a delegation of LEO Power but I don't have 3,647.33 staked right now. Another thing they added was the beeswap symbol if a diesel pool exists.

hive engine rewards.png
Next up is our total Hive Engine rewards. I think having this is quite nice but I have no idea if all of this is correct because I haven't been keeping track of everything. I am also wondering if the rewards from outposts are being tracked properly because I know they are reported differently. At least I haven't seen any way to check what you got in total from outposts. So having some more information about the breakdown would be better

Bugs or suggestions

So from what I saw above, I will put down the suggestions I have here (even if I said them earlier).

  • filters for author/curation rewards such as post only or comment only
  • bug in hive-engine wallet (delegated power should not count towards total staked)
  • further break down of hive engine rewards


Overall I like the new information I can get such as the pending author and curation rewards. The new charts for the analytics also looks easier to understand compared to PeakD so I will come by more often to view it. Besides a bug and some extra filters, I didn't see any other issues with anything it returned. It also notified me of an issue with a possible token so I decided to send him a message.

Please feel free to leave a comment if you have any questions or feedback.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Personally, I love the new version of hivestats! Sure there seems to be some issues still, particularly some of the numbers not adding up fully - but it is a huge improvement from the previous version and I love all the graphs and stats available!



Yea I think it took some time to go through things in detail but I like the current version more than the old version. Give it some time and the bugs will be fixed. From what I know, the developer wrote up the new code up from scratch.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


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Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:

Hive Power Up Month - Feedback from February day 11
Valentine's day challenge - Give a badge to your beloved!

Hive stat is easy to use and give more information about the activities on hive. I love it

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Yea I like having all the different tools available for me. One thing I forgot to mention was that PeakD does have a chart for comments/replies so I might still go there to check that info.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


filters for author/curation rewards such as post only or comment only

Great suggestion. This segregation would help us to manage our activity accordingly. Gotta crush those goals. 🎯

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


There can be more filters but I think this one was the one I wanted the most. I do agree that it will definitely help us in getting our goals with all the new analytics it provides.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


That's good. I will like to try peakd to post, to see how it is,I only use peakd to vote.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


PeakD isn't bad but I still prefer LeoFinance for LEO related content. One thing I like about PeakD is the template feature as I can follow the same template but change the content to fit my posts.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
