Stop trading against the crypto market


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One of the simple and effective strategies that a trader can use if he or she wants to be successful in the business of crypto trading is that he or she should trade the trend on the market, if the market is bearish then keep buying at the lower price , if the market is bullish , then sell at the higher price..

But sadly many trader do the opposite which is like tjem indirectly trading against the market, or relying on luck in determining if their trades will be successful or not , a trader should not make things get complicated for him or her on the market..

Simple strategy when trading would make you to be able to avoid complications on the market, but when your strategy itself is complicated then you will have several issues while trading on the market , the trend is the path and the price is king , just follow the path as a trade and see how successful you would be on the long run on the market..

The market is not as complicated as you see it , we are the ones who are not just willing to take it simple , or should I say we calculate too much when trading on the market , just take things simple and you will see a great improvement on your trading skills..

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
