⭐️ Rising Star - Swapped 10000 Starbits for Starpro. Opened two new card packs and progress updates.

Hello and welcome to all the readers.

Progress has been decent in the risingstar world.

Today, i withdrew 10000 starbits from the risingstargame account and then used beeswap.dcity.io/swap to convert starbits into starpro.

All starbits earned in millionaire missions are used for card purchases. Part of the starbits earned doing other missions in the game are either swapped into starpro or used in music promoter missions.
Starpro accumulated in the game is used to play promote fan base missions

Currently, playing a mid week support slot mission.

Game progress:

Today, first i did my millionaire mission and opened two card packs.

Card Pack 1:


i135 Roll Up Keys - 1 luck
i127 Cherry Burst Bass - 1 luck
R296 Shadow - 150 fans, 150 skill, 4 luck [epic]

A decent card pack. 1 unique and 2 duplicate card added to the collection.

Card Pack 2:


i122 RS200 Floor Monitor - 5 luck
119 Jaxx - 10 fans, 5 skill
R281 Lenny - 125 fans, 75 skill, 3 luck [rare]

A decent card pack. 3 duplicate card added to the collection.

Overall, added 1 unique and 5 more duplicate cards.

March Goals:

TaskGoalCurrent StatusBalance
Level130127867 XP more to next level
Swap / Music Promoter/ hive-engine600003050029500
Custom shop missions18612
Promote Fan club missions15012624
Ego< 10%0%-
*Ranking< 200214-

Game Stats:


Skills - 74999 from cards, 105133 from lessons
Fans - 88899 from cards, temporary 0
Luck - 20278
Cards - 2220

Ego from fans - 88899 (0 temporary drunk fans)
Ego from missions - 44569
Total - 133468

Starbits doing Millionaire missions - 80000

Players Ranking:


Rare cards for Sale:

The following rare cards are up for sale.

CardSale Price
R128 Luthien2.9 Swap.Hive
R147 Leon3.99 Swap.Hive
R158 Goose3.5 Swap.Hive
R188 Nytehawker3.15 Swap.Hive
R206 Rick1 Starpro
R186 Ivan2.5 Swap.Hive
R213 SA Cream Mic0.75 Swap.Hive
R207 Jesmel1.3 Swap.Hive
R211 Giovanna2.25 Swap.Hive

Anyone interested in buying cards for CTP tokens?

Thank you for reading my post.

Have a nice day.


Failure is not the opposite of Success. It is part of Success.
--- William Ritter

Previous post - https://peakd.com/hive-195370/@imfarhad/rising-star-did-3-more-custom-production-fair-missions-opened-two-card-packs-and-progress-updates

if you like my content, please buy me a coffee at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/farhadkias
