⭐️ Rising Star - Spent 6000 starbits in music promotion. Opened two card packs and progress updates


Hello and welcome to all the readers.

A good progress in the risingstar world.
One more day left in July, i am on target with most of the goals, except for Player ranking and Promote Fan club mission.

Currently doing a summer breeze mission, hoping to get lucky this time :-)

Game progress:

Today, first i did my millionaire mission and then opened two card packs.

Card Pack 1:


Skill Boost - 10 Skill
94 Kirk - 10 fans, 5 skill
R211 Giovanna - 125 fans, 150 skill, 4 luck [rare]

A good pack. 3 duplicate cards added to the collection.

Card Pack 2:


Skill Boost - 10 Skill
94 Kirk - 10 fans, 5 skill
R205 Andy - 100 fans, 75 skill, 4 luck [rare]

A good pack. 3 duplicate cards added to the collection.

Overall, added 6 duplicate cards.

Music Promoter:

I also spent 6000 starbits on music promoter today.

Estimated Starpro earnings...

July Goals:

TaskGoalCurrent StatusBalance
Level111110271 XP to next level
Music Promoter50000440006000
Custom shop missions25241
*Promote Fan club missions20137
Ego< 10%0%
Ranking< 200237

Game Stats:


Skills - 40312 from cards, 39850 from lessons
Fans - 51149 from cards, temporary 918
Luck - 10198
Cards - 1154

Ego from fans - 52067 (918 temporary drunk fans)
Ego from missions - 20129
Total - 72196

Starbits doing Millionaire missions - 30000

Players Ranking:


Rare cards for Sale:

The following rare cards are up for sale.

CardSale Price
R149 Frederico8988 Starbits
R128 Luthien2.9 Swap.Hive
R147 Leon3.99 Swap.Hive
R158 Goose3.5 Swap.Hive
R188 Nytehawker3.15 Swap.Hive
R206 Rick1 Starpro
R186 Ivan2.5 Swap.Hive

Anyone interested in buying cards for CTP tokens?

Thank you for reading my post.

Have a nice day.


Previous post - https://peakd.com/hive-195370/@imfarhad/rising-star-a-common-card-giveaway-ending-30-07
