a good munday

Hello and welcome to all the readers.

My day:

A good start of the day. Weather has been mixed today.
In the afternoon, went out to buy few groceries and also do my actifit steps. Today i mostly worked on my offline tasks. I did complete few of my online tasks too. Also did a bit of cooking in the afternoon.

Cricket News:

World Cup ICC T20 tournament started today.
Note: The matches are played in USA and west Indies.

source - cricinfo.com

Ok, lets talk about the hunt.


Today, I managed 4/6 tasks.
ctpx.io is the new kid in the task list. It was introduced sometime in April 2023.

Task 1 - Listnerds

surfed required sites to complete the task

Task 2 - Leadsleap

surfed required sites to complete the task

Task 3 - Trafficadbar

did not complete the task

Task 4 - Freeadvertisingforyou

surfed required sites to complete the task

Task 5 - Infinitytrafficboost

surfed required sites to complete the task

Task 6 - Ctpx

did not complete the task

Note: For more details on the contest read this post - https://peakd.com/hive-105809/@lukeisalive/wkldzqrt

thank you for reading my post.

Have a nice day.


Failure is not the opposite of Success. It is part of Success.
--- William Ritter


Hi there my good and new friend in Hive, Farhad, looks like you had a productive day🥰 It's cool that you're keeping up with both offline and online tasks. Keep up the great work bro
