AI, Hieronymus Bosch and My Diary (March 22)


Today is March 22, 2023, and that's good.

These images were generated on Dreamlike according to my prompts

Respected Watchers have clarified one old rule of Hive: at least half of content in every post must be not only unique, but human-generated as well. I clutched my heart, because now it turns out, that if I want to publish 10 AI-generated pictures, I have to paint 10 more pictures myself. But when I painted my last picture at the age of four, its only viewer (kindergarten teacher) was hospitalized with an acute brain disorder.
The solution was found: I will not paint pictures, I will keep a diary. To read, or not to read, that is your choice, but don't forget the fate of my kindergarten teacher (he seems to be still in rehab).

Well, March 22, 2023

I remember that I promised never to retell my dreams, but today I dreamed the Universal Phrase, and it's a completely different matter.
I hope you understand what a universal phrase is, otherwise I can hardly explain it to you. It's like... it's is the most powerful spell, it's a concentrate of the philosopher's stone, the elixir of eternal youth, and at the same time the cure for all diseases, it's the key to all doors, after all, it's the word that can begin and end any text - and it will become a world masterpiece of literature. Hopefully, it has become a little clearer to you how important thing I dreamed about today. Do I need to say how long I've been waiting for this? I think you can guess yourself.

When I awoke, I immediately woke up my girlfriend and repeated the universal phrase to her three times in case I manage to forget it before I wrote it down on paper. After making sure that my girlfriend remembered everything well, I turned on the other side and awoke for real. And realized, that I don’t remember anything - and I won’t remember anything in my life.
There was only warning pulsing in my memory:
Don't retell your dreams.
Never retell dreams, it's very stupid.
Do not retell dreams to anyone, this is extremely stupid, bro.
