AI, Hieronymus Bosch and My Diary (March 30)


Today is March 30, 2023, and that's good.

These images were generated on Dreamlike according to my prompts

Respected Watchers have clarified one old rule of Hive: at least half of content in every post must be not only unique, but human-generated as well. I clutched my heart, because now it turns out, that if I want to publish 10 AI-generated pictures, I have to paint 10 more pictures myself. But when I painted my last picture at the age of four, its only viewer (kindergarten teacher) was hospitalized with an acute brain disorder.
The solution was found: I will not paint pictures, I will keep a diary. To read, or not to read, that is your choice, but don't forget the fate of my kindergarten teacher (he seems to be still in rehab).

Well, March 30, 2023

Not bad day was today. I took bus ride to neighbor area of the city, where I had never been to. It’s a strange feeling, as if you have lived all your life next to a neighbor, and in old age, you bothered to get to know him and exchange a few words. Although I did not go for the sake of acquaintance, of course not. My therapist gave me a referral for a study, which for some reason is not done in our district clinic, and I had to go to another district. If not for this circumstance, I think I would never have reached those places in my life, because I have no business there, and wandering around a huge city just to eliminate white spots on the map is not very rational.

In general, my checkup was successful, thanks for asking. Naturally, I will not tell you what the procedure was, although there was nothing intimate. Nothing threatens my life, this information is enough. As our parents said, we should be able to read between the lines. Or did your parents not say so?
The world is very different indeed. Even if we are talking about neighboring areas of the same city.


I love the art of Hieronymus Bosch, it's so delusional like a bad trip of 🍄 or even worse like nightshade plants.

But soo fascinating! Amazing that what AIs are capable of nowadays

