AI, Hieronymus Bosch and My Diary (April 5)


Today is April 5, 2023, and that's good.

These images were generated on Dreamlike according to my prompts

Respected Watchers have clarified one old rule of Hive: at least half of content in every post must be not only unique, but human-generated as well. I clutched my heart, because now it turns out, that if I want to publish 10 AI-generated pictures, I have to paint 10 more pictures myself. But when I painted my last picture at the age of four, its only viewer (kindergarten teacher) was hospitalized with an acute brain disorder.
The solution was found: I will not paint pictures, I will keep a diary. To read, or not to read, that is your choice, but don't forget the fate of my kindergarten teacher (he seems to be still in rehab).

Well, April 5, 2023

I almost broke my leg today, a world event by my standards. Although this is indeed an event, why not. I almost broke my leg, despite the fact that we no longer have snow, it has all melted a long time ago, and what has not melted, has turned into garbage, which was taken somewhere outside the city. So I didn't slip, I stumbled. I stumbled over a piece of ice that came on a way out of nowhere, but even more strangely, he managed to freeze to the asphalt. In the place where two cracks intersected like mighty rivers, and at this intersection a patch of cold damp earth peeped out. I talk about it in such detail because it is an absolutely unprecedented thing, I almost broke my leg on a piece of ice, which in April on the street simply has nowhere to come from.

Why did I think I almost broke my leg? Because something distinctly crunched in it! And pictures immediately flashed through my mind of me sitting in a wheelchair or hobbling on crutches, all sorts of such pictures, without a logical order. In an instant, I mentally listed all the things that I will not do, and all the people I will let down. Strangely, when I broke my arm (I did it twice), these effects did not happen to me. There were no flashbacks, no flashforwards, nothing, just bam - and now the turning point. Apparently, these fantasies managed to flash just because today there was no danger. Maybe it wasn’t the leg that cracked at all, but a dry twig that imperceptibly stuck to my sole?

Perhaps it doesn't matter. The only important thing is that I managed to experience some kind of emotional outburst, short as a prick. And now, under the impression, I returned home and sit writing this post. And you are reading it. And then I'll go mind my own business, and you'll mind yours too. This is how our lives go, hallelujah.
By the way, no branch stuck to my sole. I just went to check.
