Our Fathers are the best!

Like they say fathers are feathers on which we fly. Fathers do a lot in the family and they don’t get the much credit they deserve but guess what they aren’t even bothered😂
In their head they’d be like “Don’t worry about us the mothers can take all the glory” and it’s been working fine for them or else explain to me why and how women have three to four days set aside for the World to celebrate them and men just have only one day? Lol, and they aren’t even making a fuss about it or bringing the whole gender inequality thingy into the mix.


Fathers work behind the scenes to make sure their families thrive. Being the breadwinner of your family is not an easy feat but some of these men play the role without complaining.

Our fathers venture into different businesses to make sure they are able to provide for the family and give their families the best life that they can afford.

Our fathers are not just ordinary men they are men with courage, discipline, and impeccable wisdom. Sometimes they are called the bad guys for making certain decisions as they sometimes can see what we cannot see. Most fathers are realists who do not work with emotions contrary to their female counterparts.


My father has been nothing short of amazing, I’d forever choose him to be my father over and over again if given the opportunity to, as I wouldn’t have imagined my life without him in the picture.

For a few years now I and my sister have not been home as we both live in different cities and my Dad lives in a different city as well. Since today was Father’s Day we decided to come back home to surprise my Father. The look on his face was priceless and we still haven’t heard the last of it for leaving him in the dark, apparently, my old man does not do well with surprises but he’d be getting them anyway🥰

Seeing my father after a very long time was really nice. He is getting older as the day goes by, my only prayer is for God to keep him to enjoy the fruit of his labour.


When I think about all the sacrifices my father made for me and my siblings to be who we are today I can’t help but continue to sing his praises. This man single-handedly played the role of both a father and mother and he did it so well without complaining or giving up on us.

Just like my father and every other father in the world, they all deserve to be celebrated every single day. These men need to be told how amazing they are, they need to be reminded that their good works are seen and appreciated and they also need to be given medals for their unheard sacrifices.

The roles our fathers play in our lives cannot be over-emphasized, some of us can testify of how their values, guidance, and teachings have made us who we are today.

I think about all the crazy things happening in the world and I can’t help but constantly appreciate my dad for raising me and my siblings well. My Dad’s discipline and principles back then are what is still keeping me sane and responsible. I don’t stay with my Dad but there are certain things I wouldn’t do with or without his supervision.

My father will forever remain my hero and all the motivation I need to work hard in life and I pray God keeps him till the very end.

Happy Father’s Day to all fathers in the world, we see your good works and we appreciate every one of them, you all rock!😃

This is my entry to the #juneinleo monthly prompt and the monthly prompt is open to everyone.

All images are mine except otherwise stated.

Thanks for stopping by
Loads of Love🥰🥰

Posted Using InLeo Alpha

0.02438251 BEE

Happy father's day to your dad dearie🤗

0.00009219 BEE

Thank you baby girl😘

0E-8 BEE

You are welcome dear

0E-8 BEE

God bless all true Fathers. Fatherhood is indeed a great responsibility.

0.00009105 BEE

Yes it is indeed a great responsibility😃

0E-8 BEE

Daddies are great heroes! You and your sister did well to pay your dad a surprise visit to celebrate him on Father's day.

May God bless all our fathers with strength and vitality so that they live long to enjoy the fruits of their labour. Amen.

0.00009101 BEE

Amen, Amen and Amen dearest !Lady😘

0E-8 BEE

Best indeed
God Almighty Bless All Father's ❤️🙏

0.00009092 BEE

Amen Sommy😘

0E-8 BEE


0E-8 BEE

Fathers make a lot of sacrifices to see that the family feels good. May God bless every father trying hard to maintain his home.
Happy father's day to your dad.

0.00008988 BEE

Truly our fathers do alot. Thank you so much light pen😃

0E-8 BEE

🎉 Upvoted 🎉
👏 Keep Up the good work on Hive ♦️ 👏
❤️ @nkemakonam89 suggested sagarkothari88 to upvote your post ❤️

0E-8 BEE

Thank you!

0E-8 BEE

@ibbtammy, you are most welcome!

0E-8 BEE

Being the breadwinner of your family is not an easy feat but some of these men play the role without complaining.

It is really not an easy feat at all. It takes a lot of sacrifice, and they do it without complaining.

0E-8 BEE