If you are not ready don’t go into it!

You know one of the worst things to happen to anyone is to have a cheating partner.

This post is from a single girl’s point of view, far from any sort of gender inequality.

I am sick and tired of married men chasing single girls, married men saying things like “dating a married man is worth it”, or “married men take care of single girls than ‘small’ boys” blah blah blah.

I grew up knowing that extramarital affairs were bad, I grew up knowing that accepting to be a married man’s mistress meant you had a tough skin for society’s criticism but right now the reverse is the case. As the African writer Chinua Achebe says; “Things fall apart”, indeed things have fallen apart.


Many years back, going after a single lady meant you had to have some guts and this is usually done in secret but now a married man can boldly ask a lady to be his side chick (other woman) and some are so brave that despite their wives knowing about them having an affair they still don’t care.

I don’t have a problem with your promiscuity or whatever you believe in, but don’t go around preaching that it’s okay to have extra marital affair, stop coming up with a series of philosophies or ideologies just to back up what is wrong! Stop trying to manipulate people into believing there’s nothing wrong with cheating. Go ahead and cheat alone without mobilizing people to join or believe in your doctrine.

I have heard so many men say rubbish about them having different side chicks and how confident they are when they spew this rubbish annoys me!

If you are not ready to marry then don’t marry! If marriage is not your thing then don’t bother going into it! Don’t vow to be faithful to your wife only to end up following everything in a skirt! Don’t do that! Don’t make a woman shed constant tears because she chose you!

Someone once said that the expiry date of marriages should be added on marriage certificates because the divorce rate is alarming and at this rate, a lot of people do not believe in love or marriage again.


I had a conversation with a man who just got married in November, I asked about his ring and he said it didn’t fit properly and that it was discomforting but he is still married. I went ahead and asked him his take on his wife not wearing her ring and instantly this young man flared up, he said “even if the ring is about to remove her fingers she has to wear it”, he kept on talking about paying her bride price blah blah blah. I have heard crazy things like the man can cheat but it’s wrong for the woman to cheat, bro!! Who made these rules? Who made these rules to favor only men?

I am sick and tired of women enduring too much in marriages just to save their marriages while their husbands go around having fun.

If you know that you aren’t ready to commit to anybody please by all means continue having fun instead of caging one beautiful woman all in the name of “marriage”.


This post was triggered by an event that occurred yesterday while I was at the bus station.

While we all sat and waited for the bus to get filled up so we could begin our trip, a couple entered the bus, for some reason the wife wanted to eat so the man had to follow her to the nearest restaurant, he came back a few minutes later just to ask the girl that sat beside me for her number, asking for her number was not even the problem it was how flirtatious he was, the things he said were out of this world, he had the confidence to do and say all of these while his wife was just 2 meters away! The audacity!

People are free to live their lives the way they want but when it’s at the detriment of others happiness then it is WRONG!! Very WRONG!!!!

The crazy part was that when his wife came back he acted all lovey-dovey with her on the bus!

My heart hurts whenever I see people’s marriages crumble, how do you say I “do” in front of everyone that matters to you just to end your marriage in a couple of months or years.

My prayer is that we all marry right and have peaceful homes.

All images are mine except otherwise stated.

Thanks for stopping by
Loads of Love🥰🥰


For me, if a man or woman cheats for the first they will do it again. Once a cheater always a cheater. I hope we all find a person who will stick with us no matter what happens.


It is a sad world... Our generation has lost their morals and it will continue to get worse... cheating has been legalized, people blame ladies for cheating but I think men cause this! you will see men and guys confidently telling a lady that it is okay for her to have two lovers at least the main one is yet to put a ring on her finger and some ladies without dignity will fall for that and start having two, three lovers as well... then at the end we blame ladies for being a cheat.... even married women are not safe... some men acting like dogs just disgust me.


you will see men and guys confidently telling a lady that it is okay for her to have two lovers at least the main one is yet to put a ring on her finger.

One is forced to wonder how these mean think or reason.

We are just in 2024 and all of this is happening imagine what will happen in 5 years time.

Thanks for stopping by😃


This point "People are free to live their lives the way they want but when it’s at the detriment of others happiness then it is WRONG!! Very WRONG!!!!" really stood out for me.
May we not get married to a partner who would be a thorn in our flesh.

God bless you, for this post!


To have and to hold till our expiry date is upon us...😂

Sometimes I wonder where these men get the audacity from. Even when your wife is within close range, you're still flirting with another lady. Witnessing such things can be really annoying. But now days, everyone thinks that such things are normal.

And the girl sitting beside you kwa....why did she now give her number to a married man? People do not have shame again?


Cheating will always be a deal breaker for me. It's so sad that am the world we live in people consider cheating as a normal thing.

Some men have no regards for their wives as they go about disgracing themselves all in the bid to have a side-hen.

It is just the audacity for me but then some women/ladies also are the cause. If all ladies refuses to be a side-hen then the men would have no choice but to remain with their wives.

Don't even get me started on those who believes that polygamy is a way of life.

I understand your anger sis, I also feel it when I see cases like that.

