Apasionado por el aprendizaje y la solidaridad./Passionate about learning and solidarity.
I never knew when I started drawing. I think since I can remember. And if I reflect on it, for me it was something natural. You don't have to think too much when you do what you like. You just pick up a pencil and you're free. I know that the best landscape of my life I may not have seen, but I can draw it. I draw precisely because I want to feel that freedom and tranquility. Losing myself in thoughts is not an option, but to forget about them while doing something I love. I am just a young girl who is happy with every little progress she makes, and who feels free when she can smile when she finishes a drawing.
0.00003296 BEE
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0.00000000 BEE
Amante de lo artístico y el mundo Crypto, NFT, Gaming, trabajador informático. Todo es relativo.
0.52175603 BEE
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Nelsy Ortega
Surgical instrumentalist, nursing student, pole dancer, tour guide in Venezuela.
0.058333 BEE
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4.42771255 BEE
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