It’s Heartbreaking to See this Homeless Mama Dog and her Pup!


Dear Friends,

Hello everyone. How are you today? About me, I am happy that it rained a little tonight. I thought it will never rain as it is summer, but it did.


As I walked down the road, I complained of the hot weather that even if I used an umbrella, it felt like hell that I was sweating a lot. I was stressed outside,’till I found this sad little puppy laying along the road. His eyes tells us about his sadness and despair that he experiences a tough life outside than any other dogs. I a picture of that’s why he ran away and hid under the car.


Later, he got away from the car, maybe to find a better place that the heated weather cannot reach and he wouldn’t also be disturbed by us. As he walked, I looked at his body and feet that have obviously a skin problem. Later, He slowly became approachable like he already trusts me.


He finally got away from the car. I called him, then he wagged his tail. When he did that, my heart seemed to melt. He walked straightforward to another car. Aside from his mother, she is the only puppy that wander oftentimes. Of course, where would he rest? He is homeless!


My niece who was with me was also following his direction, but later, she saw a momma dog who came to her pup. Even if the pup saw met his mom, the sad face in his eyes did not change.


My heart goes out for this momma dog and her pup because they’re homeless. They lay down along the road, even rain or shine. What would it do to their body that they are heated caused by the rays of the sun, but suddenly, they become wet during the rainfall? I’m so worried. Seeing them struggling the heated weather, rain and hungry breaks my heart. If only I have my own house, I wouldn’t hesitate to bring them with our three dogs. But I’m just living with my mom.

Even if the dogs are homeless, God is good because some neighbors feed them, that’s why the pup looks full. I wish that there will be more and more people that come to help them. Our neighbors gave them a tent so they have a tiny little home.


If only I don’t have three dogs at home, then I’ll surely adopt them. It’s been so long that this mama dog lives outside the houses. There was a time when this mother dog gave birth of eight puppies. After she breastfed her pups, she would wander everywhere to seek for foods. Fortunately, some of our neighbors have fed them everyday and her seven pups were also adopted. She has only one pup in her that some people doesn’t want to adopt. How about you? How would you feel when you see homeless dogs? What did you do to help? I sometimes think that euthanasia in dogs is good everytime I see these momma dog and her pup, so that no more suffering. Would you agree?

Truly Yours.


This is so sad it’s sad to think that that there is so many puppies like this
