French DevOps engineer. 🇫🇷 Passionate about system design, cloud computing and cybersecurity. ❤️
Pierre Boulet
Computer science professor, vice president for digital at the University of Lille
0.54082994 BEE
Vote Value
0.00003888 BEE
Une tarfurerie, c'est quand quelqu'un fait une connerie délibérée, mais avec beaucoup de style et de panache ! C'est comme quand un clown fait un tour de magie.
0.00228386 BEE
Vote Value
0.00000016 BEE
The Tavern of the Principality of Bastion
Curator Account From The Principality of Bastion (Micronation) ran by @itharagaian. ***Manually Curating French Posts + posts Itharagaian appreciates (Min 300 words)*** The votes are manually performed by Itharagaian, and the curation follows him (triggering the trail too). To participate, just follow our trail on hive.
61.68311177 BEE
Vote Value
0.00443393 BEE