5 Minute Freewrite - Her Achievement

All, doing a 5 minute freewrite. Thank you for reading.



3 years ago, she was deemed as a failure. A lady whom her husband left her for another woman and a lady whom was deemed excess at her workplace and being retrenched. She was at the brink of breaking down with no social support other than her aged mother, no financial support other than that last two thousand dollars in her bank account.

Everything just seemed to go south on her. But it was this very deep state that made her wake up and discover her true self and start loving herself. She pulled herself together and walked out of that failed marriage instead of dwelling in sorrow due to the divorce. She knew she didn't need her ex-husband for she is far more capable. Instead of trying to find a job that she didn't like and grind like normal working individuals, she discovered a side of her that wants to bring motivation to the people around her. She started becoming a motivational speaker and used her failing story to share to others how she is able to walk out stronger than before.

And with her life back in order and walking out of the doom and gloom, she made this her achievement.
