This Facebook account is an identity thievery so this account is blacklisted. If you think that you will get away on Hive with your thievery of identities of vulnerable women…
Bienvenido a Hive.
Para confirmar su autoría del contenido, ¿podría poner el enlace a su blog de Hive en su cuenta de redes sociales bien establecida como Facebook…
Some accounts may not receive blacklist markers from the @spaminator account. If they do not, please report it to @guiltyparties.
You can browse Hivewatchers blacklist…
Thanks for bringing more attention to it :-)
These accounts do not post AI-generated content. They plagiarise content from old posts published by different Hiveians.
There is reasonable evidence that this article has been written with the help of AI.
We would appreciate it if you could avoid publishing AI-generated content (full or…