PAW Patrol: The Movie (2021) Review


The film starts at a most charming place. Its name is "Adventure Bay". A truck driver is seen while driving here. Who was taking soda glass here. That glass falls down because of the uneven road. And his attention is diverted from the road. After a time, he casts a glance on the road and he observes that, That a very cute baby turtle is crossing the road. That driver moves his truck around in order to save that turtle. Due to this, the truck is hanged down of the bridge after crashing. Now he calls the people for help. At the same time, a boat passes at his below side. He says to its captain, Call police or any fire fighter! So they may help me! That boat captain tells the truck driver, "Paw Patrol" will only come here to help you here! Because they are only ones who help the natives. "Paw Patro" is actually the squad of 6 cute puppies.

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They have also a head named "Ryder". It is known here that these 6 puppies resolve the issues of this place. They have the suits of their profession and also their own vehicles. After a while, these puppies' squad is reached here. Where "Ryder" blocks the whole road. And a puppy named "Chase" who was in police uniform. It saves this truck driver. Afterwards, they also send back the baby turtle to its family. Then the scene turns and a nearby city is seen. Its name is "Adventure City". There is seen an adorable puppy named "Liberty". It had a profound love for its city. And it had also fond of becoming the member of paw patrol. It is broadcast in news here that elections have been held. And a new mayor of "Adventure City" has been chosen. Who was an evil named "Humdinger".

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He disliked puppies. So it was the cause that he used to consider "Paw Patrol" his enemy. "Liberty" understands that "Adventure City" is in danger now. So it informs the "Paw Petrol" while calling its emergency lane-line. That "Humdinger" will spoil the city. So the entire team of "Paw Petrol" may rescue this city, coming here. "Paw Petrol" team had already awareness about "Humdinger". How does he dislikes the "Paw Petrol". And he is an evil man along with it After this , this squad agrees that they will help them, coming into the city. "Chase" forbids them to accompany them to the city. And he moves outside from there. "Ryder" tells here to all the puppies, That Chase's family had left it alone in the city when it was youngest. And it had also taken birth in the same city. Right after that, "Chase" has not liking for that city. Now "Ryder" goes to "Chase" and tells it that, How this is the golden opportunity to return back to the city.

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And there is need to tell everyone there how you have become a hero. Hearing the advice "Ryder", "Chase" is convinced. And it plans to accompany them, changing his intentions. After this, "Ryder" and all these puppies move to the "Adventure City", packing their luggage. Reaching there, "Ryder" also shows them their new headquarter. Which was a marvelous building. These adorable 6 puppies like the building of this place too much. Because the whole headquarter was high technological here. Even their food dispenser was also automatic. On the other side, it is seen that mayor moves to his new laboratory. Where he asks the scientist, What is your new invention? Now the scientist tells him here , How has she built a machine here? Through it, they can capture the clouds.

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Mayor says to this scientist that I want to celebrate the election's victory. In which I also want to use the firework. But there is prediction of rain. And I want that you may capture the clouds , operating your device. I will lock your laboratory if you don't carry it out! Now the scientist has to carry it out reluctantly. And it is seen how she captures all clouds through this device. And the rain stops and there is sunburst. After this, mayor starts the firework which becomes out of control after a time. Firework and the fire crackers had started everywhere. People had also started to run after being nervous from them. Because a great destruction was being held. After a while, it is also broadcast by the news, And "Ryder" also becomes known about it. Afterwards, there is arrival of the "Paw Petrol". Who set out , getting ready in their vehicles. But the traffic was blocked. And they get caught in traffic.

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"Liberty" comes to know that they have caught in the traffic. Approaching there, she shows them the way and reaches at that place , Where the fireworks were continued. New mayor catches the sight of them here. And he leaves that place in rage. "Ryder" controls all fireworks along with "Paw Patrol". And the burning fire is also extinguished. After a while, "Chase" witnesses, That the people are entrapped in a terrace which is still inflamed. It thinks to land there, using its parachute. That it may rescue the people. When it reaches there, Then its parachute loses its control. And "Chase" hangs down from that building. Witnessing "Chase" in this situation, another puppy reaches there with its fire engine. First of all, it extinguishes fire there and descend all those people from terrace. Later, it also helps "Chase". The entire city accepts the members of paw petrol as their heroes. Even social medial also give the coverage of this news. All are excited. But "Chase" was seated separately.

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It was not willing to confront the social media. Because it was not satisfied from itself thinking as it is not a hero. And it did not help at all. On the other side , mayor was not pleased at all. He was feeling envious from "Paw Patrol". How they have become popular too soon! He instructs his bodyguard to disappear them from here as soon as possible. "Mayor" performed something new in order to come in the people 's good books . It alters a sewer line into a roller coaster line. And he expresses, There must be happened something adventurous in this "Adventure city". This is the cause that I am inventing such a roller coaster. Now his idea is failed here like before. As the people ride in this roller coaster. Then it is damaged. The caught people in this roller coaster call "Paw Patrol" here saying, Help Us! And "Paw Petrol" immediately reaches here.

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And "Liberty" also approaches here along with them. It says that I also want to help all of you! "Liberty" wanted to show itself as a member after helping them. They observe how the poles of roller coaster are damaging. After this, "Rocky" balances its pole base, coming into its truck. And "Skye" controls the track, coming in a helicopter from the upper side. "Rubble" protects the base pole with the help of cement of its truck. It was the turn of "Chase" now. It goes to the nearby high building. Where it attaches its rescue rope with the roller coaster train of the people, reaching there. But feels panicked because of height as it looks down here. And it is shrunk with fear. When "Ryder" notices "Chase", That it has panicked then it orders to "Marshall" to rescue the people, driving its truck. "Marshall" brings the people down with the help of its fire engine. "Skye" descends "Chase" in its helicopter.

After this, "Ryder" suggests "Chase" that you should take rest of work for a time. You are not able to perform this duty! "Chase" feels worst on this. It feels dejected and it goes away, leaving them. "Ryder" and all other puppies of "Paw Patrol" exert much to search for them. But they only get the buckle collar of "Chase". "Liberty" says to them, coming there, I will help all of you for searching "Chase". When mayor's body guards come to know that "Chase" is alone, Getting the chance of it, they abduct it from there. They bring it in a building where "Chase" notices that, There are also many other puppies like it. One of the puppies tell it that mayor is locking all puppies here after abducting them. Knowing this fact, "Chase" is very saddened here. And it misses all of its friends. On the other side, it is seen that "Liberty" has come to its friend ,accompanying "Ryder".

Where it knows that many puppies have disappeared from the city in a short time period. "Ryder" understands it when it hears it. There is only one man in the whole "Adventure City", Who does not like the puppies at all. And he is the mayor of this place. After it, "Liberty" hits upon a great plan. It says to "Ryder" that it will make her abduct according to plan, After this, "Ryder" and "Paw Patrol" will reach the other puppies and "Chase" while following it. Next day, mayor was interviewing where "Liberty" reaches, And it begins to tease him. According to plan, mayor's guards abduct it , reaching there. And it puts it in the prison where "Chase" and other puppies were present. "Chase" feels relaxation when it observes "Liberty". It also says to it with it, You had not to come here! How did it know that "Liberty" has approached here with the full planning.

"Paw Petrol" reaches here and releases "Chase" and all other puppies. They come back to headquarter after accomplishing their mission. "Ryder" shows "Chase" a place on the way. It tells that I had found you from here. You were confronting the people bravely when I had observed you at the first time. It also tells "Chase" with it. You are still bold as before. It suggests it while turning its buckle collar that you should come back now. And "Chase" agrees. Contrarily, scientist tells "Chase". That cloud catcher is in the sky for a long time ago. It had to bring down again. Because some technical issues are creating. But how mayor could hear her. He ignores her, And he breaks her device's remote. Scientists also tries to warn the people, Before it, she says to the people, Mayor stops her here. And he tells about his new building here.

That he has built a new building named "Humdinger heights". He tells all that it is the hugest building at this place. And his office is at the top floor. And his mission is this to keep an eye on the whole city. That cloud catcher becomes out of order here. And all clouds are got free which had been captured within this week. The whole sky is turned to black from everywhere. And a terrible storm breaks out . The light flashes and it starts raining with fast winds. This scientist calls "Paw Patrol" and she tells, That the whole city will be destroyed in case these clouds are not stopped. Hearing this news , "Paw Petrol" gets ready." "Ryder" also says to "Liberty" to accompany it before leaving this place. And it tells that you have become the member of our team officially. "Ryder" also gives him his car and suit. "Liberty" feels pleasure, seeing it.

Its dream had fulfilled which was seen a time ago. "Ryder" orders to "Skye" , Just bring that cloud catcher down , flying there in your helicopter. On the other side, "Liberty" and "Zuma" protect the people from drowning. "Ryder" gets a news here that we are still in our office here. And it moves go that high building to rescue ti. "Ryder" brings that mayor from that building through an elevator. And it itself is entrapped there. Knowing it, "Chase" appears to rescue "Ryder". "Chase" reaches there in its particular motor bike. Its loop is broken before it jumped. And it again starts panicking because of the height. It remembers the words of "Ryder" here. That it is a bold and sronger puppy. It should not be panicked from anything. These words encourage it. It jumps into a building. And it comes outside while rescuing "Ryder". Contrarily, "Skye" was exerting to bring that cloud catcher on ground.

But that cloud catcher was not being gripped by it. Afterwards, it plans to crash its helicopter in it. So it may be damaged. It does the same, And it comes out before crashing it. As cloud catcher is hit , All black clouds are disappeared from there. And the sun begins to shine for one more time. All are very excited. And Paw Petrol's value is again increased. After this, It is seen that mayor is trying to escape from there stealthily. "Skye" catches mayor with its drone. Later, he is dismissed from the seat of mayor. The citizens of whole city congratulate "Paw Petrol" and celebrate. "Paw Patrol" members are awarded the city's official golden key . And "Ryder" also awards "Liberty" a medal before everyone. That she has become the official member of them. Then they receive a call of dog entrapped by mayor. They all leave to rescue it. And the movie completes on this scene.

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