Hive Embassy


Count supported by Marc Honinckx and Claude Katz - The People Embassy on Hive. - @bertille-aa

The Chamber


Account managed by Jean-François Houben Consultant RGPD : obtenez confiance, éthique, sécurité et sérénité grâce à la conformité au RGPD Talks about #rgpd, #ethique, #accompagnement, #dataprotection, and #donnaezespersonnelles via LeoFinance.io


0.00420189 BEE

Free To Write/Libre d'écrire


"Free to write"? It is a writing contest for when you are or you feel as in prison supporting the initiatives by the Concertation des Associations Actives en Prison (CAAP), in partnership with the Service de la Lecture publique de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, the Foire du Livre de Bruxelles, the ADEPPI, the Compagnie Gambalo and, for the 1st edition, the Maison du Livre de Saint-Gilles. Account managed by @hitproducer





Hi I am Thierry From @Solidarity. The French Hive Community Account is a fund to support the Hive Blockchain in France and further it's endeavours. / Bonjour je suis Thierry de @solidarity. Le Compte HIVE France est un fonds destiné à soutenir la blockchain HIVE en France et à poursuivre ses efforts. @hiveeurope @hivetour @hiveagency


1.23136255 BEE

Hive Belgium / Hive Belgique


Building @infrastructtures @rgpd and @gov-as-a-service. The Belgian Hive Community Account is a fund to support the Hive Blockchain in Belgium and further it's endeavours. / Le Compte HIVE est un fonds destiné à soutenir la blockchain HIVE en Belgique et à poursuivre ses efforts.


0.04813702 BEE



Cognitive Behavioral Therapy - hypnose conversationnelle. Au service des professionnels de la relation d'aide depuis 1987


0.00453249 BEE



Explore unique and amazing experiences around Hive. HiveAgency is the first Travel & Talent Management Agency based on the Hive Blockchain. HiveAgency aims to offer help such as free services to Hive Meetup Organizers and Participatory Projects as well as to promote travels and experiences based on the participatory platform.


0.00000688 BEE

Akida aka TrinityArt


All all I need is ART! 🎨 And a good coffee ☕ NFT Artist & Collector, drawings, paintings, AI Prompt Engineering ✨www.trinityart-nft.pixels.com✨


3.03788168 BEE

Makishima Shougo


I just long for a world in which ordinary things are done in an ordinary way.


4.40478913 BEE

Ramona Salmeron


Storytelling, sewing, gastronomy, reading and writing.


0.00001555 BEE



Bitcoin + Hive! Geography and history aficionado. Risk professional.


0.01341951 BEE