My Clean Planet Activity Day 7 Monday 30/10/2023

Today is the beginning of a full working day it is a thing to be grateful because we are healthy and have much to say. A lot of things are going out of hand but we still give thanks for all that we have.

To be healthy starts from having a healthy environment, when the vicinity is in order we will in turn have a healthy people. Due to poor waste management the atmosphere get to suffer in no little way. When you see the way most people dispose used diapers it will irritate you in no little way. Imagine when rain falls and it is washed off to someones house what that means. In my environment I have seen this happen countless times that dog go to carry these diapers, get to a corner to open it up just to eat the waste there. This is a bad sight to behold indeed.

Today I was able to carefully carry out my cleaning Activity and I wish that you join me to see what I was able to do.

Thank you

The picture below 👇 show a selfie of the dirty

The picture below 👇 shows the dirty well disposed

The dirty I picked today was so much so my waste bag seems little for the dirty



Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 180 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!
