How Splinterlands Game Can Improve Learning And Develop Some Skills- Reasons You Need To Teach Your Children Splinterlands

How Splinterlands Game Can Improve Learning And Develop Some Skills- Reasons You Need To Teach Your Children Splinterlands
My grandfather once told me that video games are not good because it can hinder you from learning. He believed that children concentrate more on audio visual activities than any other things because they can see and hear it. He did not believe that video games could do anything more than harm to us as children. Hence, he forbade us from playing video games but we found ways of playing video games secretly.
Today, we encourage students to engage in video games because it helps them to be creative, constructive, cooperative, increase intelligent quotient, think critically, teamwork, problem solving skills and so on. In today’s learning, we use audio-visual materials to facilitate teaching and learning in the classroom.
Though, playing video games sometimes may have adverse effects on us such as addiction. Yea! I am addicted to splinterlands but also learning a lot from it. Therefore, it is good to be addicted to something that will benefit you rather than things that will not benefit you. For me splinterlands do not have adverse effects on me.

Reason You need To Teach Your Children Splinterlands

  • Cognitive skill: this is the one of the core reasons your children need this game. Playing splinterlands strengthen your cognitive skills to learn very fast, remember what you learn and pay attention. This is the reason if we want to teach in a classroom, we make sure we incorporate audio-visual materials like video to our teaching. We call this ‘attention grabber’ while showing related videos to the topic to students in the classroom, they pay more attention and listen to the video. While you are doing this, you have already grabbed the attention of the students. It allows them to be focused and listen to the topic being taught in the classroom.
    This act allows them to remember what they learned in the classroom. The 21 century are very lazy to learn, they find it difficult to read independently but if you can use videos to teach them in class, they tend to remember and are able to explain when you ask them questions.
    It increase their intelligence quotient,

  • problem -solving skills: this is the ability to solve specific problems. I have a set of students in my class. I gave an assignment to solve which was ‘why students do not like mathematics’, this set of students gathered 50 students and started asking them the reason they don’t like mathematics. They came out with wonderful results that we use to find the solution to that problem in our school. Therefore, problem-solving skills help students to find solutions to what they are facing in their lives.

  • Creativity: my students have constructed many things and improvised by using available materials just by playing different types of game in school. In fact we have various game competitions in the school which interested students take their time and play during sport activities. Some of these games enhance their ability in mathematics and other subjects. Creativity has made some of our students stand out locally and regionally; skills and talents were discovered in some of our students under age of 13 below.
    It allows children to learn faster, make good decisions and manage time: choosing summoner and monsters require quick decision making, failure to choose monsters at the stipulated time simply means you lost the game. Winning the battles also requires you to make good decisions in choosing monsters and a summoner to battle. This is also applicable to some of the games out there.
    It also allows us to manage our time in real life situations with minimum input in any work we are doing.

  • Social Interaction: learned this from my guild and hive network. These are places you interact with different types of people across the planet. I have interacted with people from different countries and they are my friends now.

In conclusion, there are various reason you need o let your children engage in games, it help them to be independent on on their own, provide source of income and make them to be focus.
Though, there are other adverse effect of of playing video games (splinterlands), and the rules also applied.

Play this game and feel like sharing it with the players. Though, it was not my best battle but I just liked the way I used my monsters. I shared battles using nerissa tridawn some days ago, i began to understand more of this monster and use it to make exploits. Nerissa tridawn is not the best monster i got from chao pack but wonderful in terms of battles. It is a monster you can call upon anytime I want it, its magic tack was incredibly good and heavy. I love this magic attack of nerissa tridawn more than most of the magic attack monsters i have
click here to watch the battle

Spreading Fury: all monsters have the enrage ability.

Djinn Oshannus: The phase ability is another unique ability I just discovered, i thought it was only magic monsters that can miss djinn oshanunus but the same is also applicable to melee and ranged attacks.
My initial plan was that my opponent would use magic monsters as part of his lineup. Hence, I wanted to use Djinn Oshannus' void ability to reduce the attack of magic monsters, unfortunately there was no magic.
I realized that melee and ranged attacks can also miss Djinn Oshannus. In the second round, I thought that Djinn would be destroyed, but two of the opponent monsters missed the target- cyclop and Naga Windmaster.
In the third round, Naga Windmaster and Cyclop also missed the attack which gave the crustace king an opportunity to increase Oshannus’ health.

Sea Monster: I thought Djinn Oshannus was not going to last because of his enraged ability. The enrage ability is very powerful and will increase the melee and speed. With experiences I have gotten with enraged ability, I was preventing myself from losing the battle. Sea monster would be able to lead the battle to victory if Djinn was eliminated.

Nerissa Tridawn: What a monster! Since the first time I tested this monster and saw how destructive the monster was; i have been pushed to use it in most of my battles, especially the reverse speed rule. Nerissa contributed to most of the attack, and its attack was most significant.
Tridawn was all my hope in this battle, that was the reason I placed it in the 3rd position to prevent it from being eliminated.
Its 4 magic was a catalyst to my victory.

Crustacean King: there are monsters you can just underrate in the splinterlands because we don’t know how to use them. Crustacean king was one of the monsters I underrated some time ago but when I understood crustacean king’s ability and the best battle to use it, it became a weapon in my hand. i use crustacean king very well and i enjoy using it.

Demented Shark: this monster was selected because of sea monster, i selected demented shark to give sea monster one melee attack. I also used it to delay from behind.

Creepy Ooze: To reduce the speed of opponent monsters.
that was the only job i assigned creepy ooze to do; it was eliminated at the round one of the battle and creepy ooze was only the monster that was eliminated in my lineup.

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thank you sir @neoxian

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Thanks for sharing! - @yonilkar

This is amazing for Splinterlands Players.

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