I don’t know maybe it is applicable to everyone but in my own perception, karma and destiny is real and is happening. I have seen them happening in real life to people around me.
Karma is something that is true in life: karma is like if you do good to someone, someone also will also do you good and if you do bad to someone, you will also receive bad from someone.
There are people who regret their actions after they encounter bad things in life or after bad things happen to them, they refer to that as karma. I believe that is how karma works in the life of an individual.
I am someone that always likes to help people despite the fact of my poor nature. I still like to help others that have no hope in life. Whenever I go out, I love to give people money and help them in my capacity.
One day, I was going out for work early in the morning, there was not much money in my hand. I was in a hurry to get there; I saw an old woman following me, when I sensed that she was following me. I waited for her and she said to me, “my son, i have not eaten since yesterday, last night i only drank water and slept. Whatever you can do to help, please I need your help”. I looked at her and dipped my hand into my pocket. I gave her money worth $2. She knelt down and said “thank you and you will never feel hungry in your life”. I said, amen.
To cut the whole story line short, on that very day when i was coming back from work, someone gave me $10 and said to me, “i like you” this is a person i have never seen in my life.
Due to the good things I have done and am always doing to people, I receive good things almost every time in my life, it is hard for people to do evil to me. Though I did not say my eyes have not seen evil things or people have not done evil things to me. So many people have done evil to me; just about 3% are successful in achieving their evil aims in my life. The remaining people did not succeed and some of them came back to me and apologized for forgiveness.
There are instances in my life when I am down to zero level, and I received help from people I did not know.
In my present place of work, I had a boss that 90% of people working under him had never received a gift from him: He hardly gave people gifts.
After two months of working with him, my boss started giving me money every weekend, and also called to come to his house.
When other workers saw that the boss did not only give me money but also buy gifts for me and want me to come to his house. They asked me, “how do you do it ?”. Because our boss doesn’t give money to us. One of them said, “ I am the oldest worker here. I worked with him for more than years, he hardly gave me money except in festive seasons. Most of them also said the same thing.
Here I am, the boss is giving me money every weekend, buying gifts for me and inviting me to his house. The last gift he bought for me was a wrist watch.
I strongly believe that the good things I am doing for others, much more than that, is rewarded back to me. I believe when you do good, you receive good as reward; when you do evil, evil will be as a reward to such a person. This is the reason you need to be doing good to everyone whether they love you or not.
I am a happy person, I don't think bad about my friends, always empathize with them when something bad happens to them and celebrate with them when good things happen to them.

My answer is ‘yes’. Destiny simply means what will happen to you in future, the future here might be tomorrow, this week, months or years to come and even decades.
One thing about destiny is that you need to play your role. If you’re destined to be a president of a nation and you did not go to school, which is the primary requirement for candidates, you might not get there till such a person will die.
Hence, destiny can be controlled and manipulated.
There are people who are born to be kings, and they will surely be. I have seen in my lifetime where a powerful man called someone and said “you are not going to see next year, you are going to die from a car accident before next January because you are destined to die this year. Your lifespan can no longer exceed this year”.
With all cautions to make sure that it would not come to pass, the man was trekking to get something from 100 meters away from his house when a failed truck crushed him to death and he died instantly.
Destiny is something outside your free-will: there are events that happen to you that you never wished for, there are instances that unexpected good things you never imagined in your life happen to you.
Few years ago when I was asked the question ‘what do i want to become in future? I said, i want to become a doctor so that I can treat my family members and my friends. I have a passion to become a doctor, I love the profession, and it was really in my heart. I tried my best to score the benchmark; I did it, I scored above the benchmark.
When admission to university came out, I was given public health; I wanted to reject the admission but my family didn't want me to stay at home for a year again , they told me to accept the course that while study this you can write the examination again for next year and if i passed, i will leave public health for medical doctor.
After a year, I sat for the exam again and I failed. When I was in 300L I sat for the exam again, I did not score the cut off mark for the course of medical doctor. In my 400L, I wrote the exam again, but I did not meet up. That was how I gave up on it.
Today, I am a trained teacher in my state. Teaching was one of the professions I hate most; Now, I am doing what I never wanted to do in my life. I facilitate learning and most of my students would come to me and say you're ‘incredible’, the way you teach us makes us love the subject.
If I may ask you a question, ‘what do we call this? Is this not destiny. This is destiny for sure.
Many of us today are doing things we never planned for such as the job we don’t want to do, the place we don’t want to leave, even many of us are in a condition we don’t want to be. All these are called destiny.
When nature shapes you to certain things you did not plan for yourself, it is also destiny.

It is yes for me. With all these premises above, karma and destiny are both true. Either you believe it or not. My experiences make me believe that they are true.

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