@pokermaria direct response


Part 1 / 2 in English, direct response to @pokemaria:

@pokemaria direct response

I wanted to comment, but it would be too long for a comment reply.

I'm notifying @pokemaria in hopes you see the message.

I'm also notifying @ithragaian, who I know would be willing to propose options if serious.

@pokemaria mentioned a discussion about using proposals to fund streamers who would promote HIVE on TWITCH (or other networks).

I quite agree, why not, and even help the streamers get more views on their streams in return.

Why not also have a HIVE-ENGINE token or others, or a well-stocked HP account that curates the streamers' articles, there are still plenty of ideas.

I wanted to say that while I see some prices proposed, I know some who would do it for much less, paid in HIVE or a STABLE ENGINE token.


15K 2H ?? reassure me, you mean $15 per hour?? or did I understand correctly 15k?? Personally, for $150 a day, 5 days a week, I would do it on Twitch and all other networks ^^ (but not really Twitch), but I know others who would propose less than 15k 2h.

I would even be willing to manage an account with HP delegations to reward the "Twitchers" or YouTubers or others by curating posts, keeping like 20% of the earnings for myself, and the rest for those who make posts or delegate (half-serious, to be discussed).

I agree that some proposals could allocate a part of their earnings to fund streamers. (But convincing them, I'll leave that to you lol)

That's my response, and by the way, it made my post of the day ^^

Have a great day everyone, dear readers ^^

Partie 2 / 2 en français pour ceux qui ont l'habitude de nous suivre:

Qu'en pense tu @ithragaian ?

Je voulais commenter mais ça aurait été trop long pour une réponse en commentaire.

Je notifie @pokermaria en espérant que tu vois le message.

Je notifie aussi @ithragaian qui je sais sera d'accord pour proposer des options si sérieux.

@pokermaria parlait d'une discussion sur le fait d'utiliser des ""proposal"" pour financer des streameurs qui feraient la promotion de HIVE sur TWITCH (ou autre réseau).

Je suis assez d'accord, pourquoi pas, et mĂȘme aider en retour les streameurs Ă  avoir plus de vues sur leur stream.

Pourquoi pas aussi avoir un jeton HIVE-ENGINE ou autre, ou un compte blindé en HP qui fait de la curation sur les articles des streameurs, encore plein d'idées.

Je voulais dire que quand je vois certains prix proposés, j'en connais qui le feraient pour bien moins cher payé sous forme de HIVE ou d'un jeton ENGINE STABLE.

15K 2H ?? rassurez-moi, vous voulez dire 15$ de l'heure ?? ou j'ai bien compris 15k ?? Personnellement pour 150 la journée, 5 jours par semaine, je le fais sur Twitch et tous les autres réseaux ^^ (mais pas Twitch en vrai), mais j'en connais d'autres qui proposeraient moins que 15k 2h.

Je serais mĂȘme prĂȘt Ă  gĂ©rer un compte avec des dĂ©lĂ©gations HP, pour rĂ©compenser les "Twitcheurs" ou Youtubeurs ou autres en faisant de la curation de posts, en gardant genre 20% des gains pour moi le reste pour ceux qui font des posts ou dĂ©lĂ©guer (Ă  moitiĂ© sĂ©rieux Ă  voir).

Je suis d'accord, que certains proposals pourraient mettre une partie de leurs gains Ă  financer des streameurs. (Mais les convaincre, je te laisse faire lol)

Voilà pour la réponse, et au passage ça m'a fait mon post du jour ^^

Bonne journée à toutes et à tous chers lecteurs ^^

Avec tout ce que je fait déjà mon objectif jamais caché sur HIVE ,

  1. Pourquoi pas un cadeaux chaque noël ^^ ( possible )

  2. Pourquoi pas un petit pécul mensuelle genre 100 HIVE

  3. Internet paye internet chaque mois ( l'année prochaine chaque année internet et payer à l'année par internet si je le souhaite )

  4. vivre de HIVE possible , mais qui as 1M HP à dépanner pour me lancer lol

Pour ceux qui nous suivent :

@hive-103505 gains :

Objectif 1000 21.6%

prix annuelle internet :

On n'y es pas encore

1.44854395 BEE


First, I just asked it in my free time. Just an idea instead of/next to the lots of things what are just not working. I don't see any online marketing from the quarterly 100s of thousands money what officially spent for ads, marketing. What is really disturbing, they obviously see, it's not working, but they keep going on with that. And they keep saying, everything else is not working and/or too expensive. What is just nonsense, seeing what for they spend more, and still not working.

Second, I am not in charge anything (and not willing), just an average idiot who spent money for Hive, 2nd layer, before got full picture. I don't have serious marketing project management knowledge, just in practice, I have some experience, also in online marketing. (valueplan claims they have 2 - more likely an employed real marketing project manager's duty would be working out details, find most suitable streamers, the best and cheapest way)

At least, LeoFinance reached that level they mentioned in their proposal a year ago, they will spend money for 'influencer marketing'. They could recognize the obvious, nowadays this is the most (cost) effective way for marketing, especially for web3. Too bad, after they got the money, somehow they forgot to do anything like that, with or without full transparency, and nobody stop that money flow either. Similar with valueplan.

Twitch is the cheapest solution for this one nowadays, based on my knowledge, and knowing how not so easy onboard people.

15K 2H ?? reassure me, you mean $15 per hour?? or did I understand correctly 15k??

Yes, you understand it correctly. I explain it, and compare just to LeoFinance proposal, and their pre-countings (can't compare to rally car, or anything else what valueplan does, as they don't even publish plans, with target results, and same like everybody who takes money from DHF, don't make financial reports, and the progress in DAU, MAU numbers - since most things spent for traditional marketing officially targets new users, so DAU is the way to measure how effective they are) - and I know, people will start to ride on it, too, it's this and that, blablabla...


So, LeoFinance had this $25 / onboarded user pre-counted cost.

These Twitch streamers have 0.5-2M followers, you can see the CCV numbers (the average number of viewers simultaneously watching their live stream), next to that 100s of thousands views on their previous saved streams (that includes people who come and go during stream, watch partly and watch later or back the stream)

So for $2-2.5 their CCVs (live watchers) reached, I have no doubt 10%+ of them would try Hive. We reached the LeoFinance pre-calculation as a maximum cost, and this is the very minimum, as obviously it would reach live more people + can be rewatched, word spread, can reach devs and bigger investors, too.

What is the difference? Not amateurs will try to do it (or not even try), they know, they won't just get the money and basically don't need to deliver anything, so in this way, it's gonna happen!!!

Pretty sure, these numbers can be lowered by 20%+ in case of bulk buy, or introduce them Hive, explain them the longer term earning potential.

In my opinion:

What you mentioned, manage delegations is a bad idea. We know it why. It's either the streamer, or one of the Whales, who could really make it happen at all.

I don't know how many followers you got, if you got the minimum 2-3k CCV and 50-100k followers, I support you or anybody else, who would do it to introduce Hive to their audiance, go through onboarding, keychain, few dapps, economy, so the basics. Of course, in case if somehow they regularly stream about content what potentially has some Hive connection, their audiance fit in the target audiance section.

Lower CCVs are out of question, especially, if the person on Twitch for long time. CCVs can be faked till some level. I wouldn't pick anybody, who doesn't have other active sponsorships, didnt do things like this before.

Since these are ads, and you hardly can stream about Hive for days, obviously reaching the highest possible number of target audiance is the key, I don't see the point of financing from DHF a new, low CCV streamer, especially not for longer term. More likely the same would happen, like with almost all of the DHF (marketing) proposals, funds. Big promises, near to zero results, since they don't have much motivation to reach targets (or not even try what was promised) after they got the money.

Someone mentioned the developers/programmers. Not sure about that, maybe that could help, having a stream on twitch for a Hive dev, who can help out, onboard devs in live. Even that just for couple of months, within max half year, even a dev streamer can build big enough audiance on Twitch, what can earn for him.

All just an idea and personal opinion in hope, it will reach some of the whales who are over DHF money (what spent from that for marketing), and they will consider it.

0.00003949 BEE

!BBH 👍

0.00003774 BEE

What did the tie say to the hat?
I'll hang around here while you go on ahead.

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