Auto-investing with dividend reinvestment: A strategy for long-term growth


Dividend reinvestment plans (DRIPs) are a popular way for investors to automatically reinvest their dividend payments into additional shares of the company's stock. This can be a great way to grow your investment over time, as you will be purchasing more shares at a lower price. Additionally, DRIPs can help to reduce the taxable impact of your dividends, as you will not have to pay taxes on the reinvested dividends until you sell the shares.

How DRIPs work

When you enroll in a DRIP, your dividend payments will be automatically used to purchase additional shares of the company's stock. The price of the shares will be the market price on the day the dividend is paid. In some cases, you may be able to purchase shares at a discount to the market price.

Benefits of DRIPs

There are several benefits to using DRIPs:

  • Compounding: DRIPs allow you to compound your returns, as you will be earning dividends on the shares you have purchased with reinvested dividends. This can help your investment grow exponentially over time.
  • Convenience: DRIPs are a convenient way to invest, as you do not have to manually reinvest your dividends. This can save you time and help you to stay disciplined with your investment plan.
  • Tax advantages: DRIPs can help to reduce the taxable impact of your dividends, as you will not have to pay taxes on the reinvested dividends until you sell the shares.

Examples of DRIPs

There are many companies that offer DRIPs. Some popular examples include:

  • Apple
  • Coca-Cola
  • Johnson & Johnson
  • Microsoft
  • Procter & Gamble

How to get started with DRIPs

To get started with DRIPs, you will need to contact your broker and enroll in the plan for the companies you wish to invest in. You will typically need to provide your broker with your account information and the number of shares you wish to enroll in the plan.

Considerations for DRIPs

There are a few things to consider before enrolling in a DRIP:

  • Investment fees: Some brokers may charge fees for DRIPs. Be sure to check with your broker before enrolling in a plan.
  • Volatility: DRIPs can be a volatile investment, as the value of your investment will fluctuate with the price of the company's stock. If you are not comfortable with volatility, you may want to consider a different investment strategy.
  • Long-term investment: DRIPs are a long-term investment strategy. You should not invest in a DRIP if you are not planning to hold the shares for at least five years.


DRIPs can be a great way to grow your investment over time. They are a convenient and tax-advantaged way to invest, and they can help you to compound your returns. However, it is important to consider the risks involved before investing in a DRIP. You should only invest in a DRIP if you are comfortable with volatility and you are planning to hold the shares for at least five years.

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