Financial Incapability and Elimination chambers


Being broke is a matter of our thoughts, those are the things we think of everyday, I came to understand that, our instinct manages our assets and liabilities more than anything else we ever demands for.

There was a time, I was in a state where I never looked up or look down at thing's, I was always in the middle and accepting to every situations that people talk to me with, I know to some extent it is good for someone to agree to things but accepting to the things peoples tells you all the times without creating a debating scenario for it, so that to fervently understand what you are told is nothing good at all.

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The day I was in the shower when a friend called me on phone and said, he wants a meeting with me, I agreed but for the meetup, I didn't show up, and it wasn't that, I didn't want to attend as I was already given him my words, but, it was just like it thus came up sometimes, something came up in that same minutes and I was not able to meet up the discussion as we agreed, although I share with him my reasons for not turning up on the venue, it became like something I have to go on a long length before he sees to my reasons, and I let it go and did not push any further about it.

Finances came in the way of everything we do, I see every finances Incapabilities as something that is brought upon by fear, when someone is able to lived it life's away from fear, he/she is going to do all what it is capable of. Each and everyday, most of the things we could have achieved is stop because we are afraid of doing it and we allowed fear to be a blockage to us. In the past, I was somehow confused, when fear and incapabilities are used in finances, to think of fear, one needs to consider it as to be something that is acting as a blockage of our financial flow's, nothing brings bountiful fruitful like taking of risks, although, it can still be a venue of not allowing people to flow very well with their life's, because they're some risks we took that would not allow us to get to the extend we could have, that is when that risk became unfavorable to us.

But in as much taking that risk is a way for us to make a financial overflow, then one still need to be careful on the one's risk we took and when it is necessary to follow alongside.

I see building up our minds away from too much doubtful thoughts and accepting risk as a thing that can makes us to be financial flowing.

Once, a friend came to me with a gamble ticket, it was game he has booked against to be played on the weekend, so, fortunately, we meet on Thursday and the games was to be kicked off on Friday evening, so when we meet, he went with me to play the tickets and I was just there, he asked I should play that same game and if he win, I would also win, but I was so afraid to bet the game, I told him no, I am not playing, on Saturday morning, he asked me to meet him on the betting house, all I was expecting was that, maybe he wants me to escort him there so that he bet another game.

But, surprising, it was that he had won a million naira from the previous games he played, the money was paid into his account and my friend was smiling here and there about his winning.

I felt some kind of regrets and what comes into my mind was, "I should have bet the game when he told me to, although his winning makes me happy, but from there, I was able to learned something that, it is not everytime that, I, personally should run from risk, because in as much, I still want to be financially capable, I should be taken some risks.
