[Esp - Eng] Hispaliterario / Buenas acciones - Good deeds

Los ruidos que salían del edificio, hicieron sospechar a mucha gente que en la casa se estaban realizando malas actividades, nadie tuvo el valor de ir a comprobarlo, Charles se hartó y decidió comprobarlo él mismo, entró a hurtadillas y encontró a una chica que había sido arrebatada a su pueblo para pedir rescate, le soltó la cuerda de las piernas, ella era incapaz de caminar erguida, debido a estar atada en un mismo lugar durante muchos días, así que la levantó.

Se oyó el ruido de un coche que se acercaba a la puerta del edificio, Charles se apresuró a abrir la ventana y ambos huyeron, él la llevó a la policía y la chica declaró en comisaría cómo había sido secuestrada por esos hombres que la golpearon y pidieron un rescate, después de llevarse todas sus pertenencias.

La chica dio las gracias a Charles por haber tenido el valor de entrar en el edificio para ponerla a salvo, cuando tanta gente temía lo que estaba ocurriendo en el edificio.

La chica ha estado desaparecida durante muchos años, pero nadie tenía ni idea de que estaba retenida en un edificio cercano a donde vive la gente, no estaba herida, pero sólo sus piernas necesitan atención médica, después de haber estado atada durante muchos días, y su salud tampoco estaba en buen estado, necesita tomar vitaminas para levantarse.

Terminó de recibir sus medicinas y su salud era fuerte, entonces viaja a reunirse con su familia en un país extranjero, su familia estaba tan chispeante de risa al verla, pensaban que ya no estaba viva, después de buscarla durante muchos años, pero no tenían ni rastro de donde estaba.

Entonces llegó un día en que unos coches entraron en el recinto del anciano Charles, que estaba en su carpintería junto a su casa con su mujer, intentando arreglar sillas y taquillas rotas para sus clientes que las necesitaban urgentemente.

La chica sale del coche y habla con Charles, le hace recordar quien era, que ella es la chica, a la que rescató en un edificio, por lo que ha venido a darle presencia por sus buenas acciones, le dio una llave de coche, señalando un coche en concreto, como regalo para él.

Charles llora y dice: "¿Qué buena acción ha hecho para merecer un coche? Ha trabajado duro y seguro para comprar un coche para su familia, pero no ha podido, nunca supo que alguien le bendeciría con un coche, se puso a bailar, la chica también le dio dinero para desarrollar su taller de carpintería.

Fue una bendición llamar a la puerta de Charles, la chica prometió venir a verle a él y a su familia en otra ocasión, les toma como su segunda familia.

Fuente de la imagen


The noises coming out of the building, made many people suspect that bad activities were going on in the house, no one had the courage to go and check it out, Charles got fed up and decided to check it out himself, he sneaked in and found a girl who had been taken away from his people for ransom, he released the rope from her legs, she was unable to walk upright, due to being tied in one place for many days, so he lifted her up.

There was the sound of a car approaching the door of the building, Charles hurried to open the window and they both fled, he took her to the police and the girl declared at the police station how she had been kidnapped by these men who beat her and demanded a ransom, after taking all her belongings.

The girl thanked Charles for having the courage to enter the building to get her to safety, when so many people feared what was happening in the building.

The girl has been missing for many years, yet no one had any idea that she was being held in a building close to where people live, she was not injured, but only her legs need medical attention, having been tied up for many days, and her health was also not in good shape, she needs to be eating vitamins to boost her up.

She finished receiving her medicines and her health was strong, then she travels to join her family in a foreign country, her family was so sparkling with laughter to see her, they thought she was no longer alive, after looking for her for many years, but they had no trace of where she was.

Then it came a day when cars drove into the compound of the old man Charles, who was in his carpentry shop next to his house with his wife, trying to fix broken chairs and lockers for his customers who needed them urgently.

The girl come out of the car and speak to Charles, she makes him remember who she was, that she is the girl, who he rescued in a building, so she has come to give him presence for his good deeds, she gave him a car key, pointing to a particular car, as her gift to him.

Charles cries and says: "What good deed has he done to deserve a car? He has worked hard and sure to buy a car for his family, but he couldn't, he never knew someone would bless him with a car, he started dancing, the girl also gave him money to develop his carpentry workshop.

It was a blessing to knock on Charles' door, the girl promised to come and see him and his family another time, she takes them as her second family.

Image source


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Charles received a reward for his good deed, if not for him she would not have gotten out of the difficult situation she was going through. She was grateful.


Charles was her savior and she helps him too, the both of them are nicest people with good intentions.
