Starting HiveBloPoMo with Power!



Hive Power up Day and HiveBloPoMo Day #1

What are Hive Power up Day and HiveBloPoMo?

I think @traciyork explains these best (and I promise not to tag you every day, but it seemed relevant in this first post):

Hive Power Up Day


Is this an April Fool's Joke?

Of course not! I was going to do a big power up this month, but then I altered my Rising Star strategy and, as a result, the power up will be about 30.7 Hive, which is nice in my opinion, but not huge. That's okay. I am not in a hurry. I am committed to powering up and gradually growing my stake.

I have considered simply putting my posts on 100% power up in the first place, but where's the fun in that in terms of playing with liquidity pools and the secondary token market (leodex or tribaldex, etc.). Not powering up 100% gives me flexibility, and I can still power up on Power Up Day.

Day #1 of HiveBloPoMo

Today is also day one of the HiveBloPoMo challenge. The challenge is to write one post per day for the entire month of April. Can we do it? Yes we can?

If I sound uncertain, it is because my sleep is intermittently messed up. However, that just feels like an excuse. It is seriously messed up, but I can still write. Some days, though, I am in a daze (see what I did there?)

I would say, "I will try," but Yoda said, "Do or do not. There is no try." My father said it first if I recall correctly. Memory is a funny thing.

Memory... what was I saying?

Memory. Hilarious. I have decided to embrace my impending senility. I might forget, though. I wish that was a joke. My memory is definitely impaired and I know there is no help for it.

However, I have been reading a book by a neurosurgeon. He discusses a certain football player who, so convinced he had brain damage, killed himself. Upon autopsy, there was no damage.

I took this as a cautionary tale. Yes, subjectively, it feels like my memory is failing. However, it is hard to gauge because depression is known to cause dementia-like symptoms and dementia is known to cause depression. That's messed up, but true. I take cannabis to help my depression, and that severely affects my memory, but then I feel like life is worth living, so it's a trade off.

Brain health

(I will write more about this another day... assuming I remember!)

At the end of the day, there are things I can do for my brain health:

  1. Supplements

  2. Diet (they call it the MIND diet)

  3. Exercise

  4. Mental exercise

  5. Meditation (apparently helps everything).

The benefits of losing my marbles... looking on the bright side?

Apart from these things, there is no effective longterm treatment for dementia, so I might as well just do my best to stave it off while accepting it. I am trying to think of the positives:

  1. It is harder to hold a grudge.
  2. This is fun: I literally can hide "surprises" for myself around the house. I put a Cadbury Chocolate Creme Egg in my nightside drawer a couple of nights ago. Then, tonight, I thought, "I wish I had some chocolate," and I remembered that sometimes, I put some in the bedside table, but I thought surely, if I had done so, I would have eaten it. I opened the drawer and it was like magic. A beautiful Cadbury Creme Egg.

So, in a way, what is happening is a curse, but it forces me to take care of myself. It forces me to consider what is important because I might not have the cognitive ability in a decade that I have now, which I find very sad, especially after watching my mother's decline.

I want to travel. I want to write at least one novel. These should be priorities. And, one thing I am grateful for is a return of magic to my life. For so long, it was unreasonable to open a drawer and expect a Cadbury chocolate creme egg to magically be there, but now, thanks to my crappy memory, there is magic in my life again.

I decided that, to make myself feel better about losing my memory, I might buy some small, inexpensive things that I like and then package them up like presents and leave them around the house for myself where I am likely to find them. Then, when I am reminded of how bad my memory is (which is frequent), I will at least have a fun, distracting consolation prize. The truth is that my memory is so bad that, as I contemplate it, if the distracting item is interesting enough, I will let go of the worry about my memory.

It just occurred to me that I don't even have to buy anything. I already bought things I like that I forgot about and can wrap up for myself in ecologically sound wrapping. I think this is either insane or a good idea. Well, isn't everything?


This post is all over the map. Is it going to be like this every day of HiveBloPoMo? I will try to do better!

We didn't talk about April Fool's Day. Is there trickery afoot where you are? Do you know the
origin of April Fool's Day? Well, in case you have a burning need to know, this will save you having to Google it.

Until tomorrow!

Much love,


(P.S. Help the Ukraine with Hivebuzz's NFTs for peace if you can. zirochka has published two articles showing how these funds are already being used to help people in need..

@ok-top suggests even more ways to help Ukraine here. - Like zirochka, she is in Ukraine, and I find her insights on the situation to be educated and insightful.)


"Too many people simply give up too easily. You have to keep the desire to forge ahead, and you have to be able to take the bruises of unsuccess. Success is just one long street fight.″

Milton Berle, Comedian

Photo Credit Superheroine

Photo Credit Ukrainian Flag - Peace in Ukraine with a free Ukraine soon I hope


Hope you remember that you've written this post and come back to read the comments ;-) !LOL

No. Just a bad joke. Youre right Meditation seems to help with everything.
I heard dancing and walking backwards should be good for keeping good brain memory function


How could I forget?



Did you hear about the Scooby Doo villain who became an Olympic swimmer?
He would have won, if it weren't for all those medaling kids!

Credit: reddit
@beeber, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @harlowjourney
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (1/2)


Congratulations @harlowjourney! You received a personal badge!

You powered-up at least 10 HIVE on Hive Power Up Day! This entitles you to a level 1 badge.
Participate in the next Power Up Day and try to power-up more HIVE to get a bigger Power-Bee.
May the Hive Power be with you!

You can view your badges on your board and compare yourself to others in the Ranking

Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:

The fourth edition of Hive Power Up Month started today. Don't miss it!
Hive Power Up Day - April 1st 2022