Geo Genesis : The Graph Decentralized Web Browser


My Canva Design

Hello Everyone!!! I hope you are having a great time over there? It's really nice to see you visit my blog today and I must say I'm really happy to have a great personality like you visiting my blog today 😊. Thank you once again

There's definitely no doubt that Web3 has been one of the top latest conversations in the tech space today due to it's decentralized features and maximum privacy for users. This has also led to lot of projects adopting various Web3 features and it has also gotten to the extent of developers migrating from their previous Web version (Web 2) now to Web3 and of course, majority of new project are automatically built on Web3 features due to the great benefits attached.

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As we all know surfing the Internet has being an ubiquitous act amongst most of us due to the fact it's really a daily routine we can never resist in our generation. One of the important tool you can ever use to access the internet is to make use of a browser. When I meant browser, I'm not talking about browsers that doesn't respect user privacy or browsers that can easily make you loose your stored data or information to hackers due to lack of security. I'm also not talking about browsers controlled by corporations, making it hard for individuals and communities to have control over their work.

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Well, if that's the case what type of Browser are we talking about here then? We are taking about browser a fully decentralized browser that values privacy and data of users or community. We are taking about a Web3 Browser that allows users to "learn" and "earn" through it's blockchain feature. We are definitely talking about GEO.


In my content today, I'll be sharing with you some educative information about GEO browser, the problem GEO browser is trying to solve and how it uses the Graph to solve these Problems. If you really care to know about this, I suggest you grab some delicious pop corn and fruit juice to step down this content as you roll with me 😉.

What is GEO?

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I already stated earlier in this content that "GEO is more than just a Web3 Browser" as it enables you have access to the Internet and most importantly, it helps you create, curate and consume an "Open knowledge graph". This connotes that users can have access to Web pages on the Internet provided there's availablity of data via API.

You still don't get it? Okay, I got your back🤔

It's best to explain using Devin analogy whose article can be found on medium. Devin is one of the Dev Engineer who created GEO and he gave the below explanation about GEO;

I think of it a little like Wikipedia-meets-web3. Anybody can add articles and data sources (think Notion databases), with contributors earning reputation points for creating and curating content (think reddit). Imagine if you could propose an “edit” to any webpage you’re reading, and that data is instantly available via API to developers all around the world — that’s Geo!

I guess this explains the concept behind GEO Browser better 😉.

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Another good example is similar to making use of the "view source" option whenever you make use of your Web browser to access a Web page. You'll definitely agree with me that all you can see on the screen will definitely be HTML, CSS and little bit or Java script codes (only Devs will understand this better) but with GEO you can have access to such features.

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The interesting part of it is that GEO Browser has it's wallet address authorized for every user who utilizes the app and this can be used for making transactions and storing or querying data on the different decentralized networks.

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Also, you don't need to bother about third party users having access to your activities on the Internet because GEO browser will always prompt a security check which can either be in form of Finger Print or Face Unlock or password depending on the security measure adopted by user. This simply means that no one can tweet or post contents on your device while using the browser without your approval.

Problem Solved By GEO

My Canva Design

Even though there are more problems Geo is trying to solve, i came up with these five key points.

One major problem being solved by Geo Genesis is to protect user privacy and data through the use of complete Internet decentralization (Web3) as this will help to eradicate or reduce the power of authorities over user Information, data and privacy. Each industry will have access to manage its personal data and process for allocating power and user interface.

Most centralized finance systems are always found of making rules or decision by the team without considering the opinion of the community. Geo Genesis will adopt a governance system in which the community decides how they want to come to consensus on their part of the knowledge graph depending on user or industry reputation.


There's definitely no doubt that technology is rapidly expanding more than we can ever imagine as researchers and developers are always coming up with sophisticated technological approach to solve human problems. This effect can not also be eradicated in the crypto space as Geo will be making use of Cryptocurrency technology to solve complex problems or challenges in the world.

According to the founder of the Graph and Geo Yaniv Tal, he made a statement which can be found on Geo Blog below ;

At Geo, we want to take that outlook and focus it on one geography to start so we can go deep and put these ideas into action. The city we’re going to focus on initially is San Francisco. We’re going to be using in person events to organize and help make a difference using web3. If we’re successful in using web3 for impact at a local level, people can adopt what works in other cities to scale around the globe.

The above statement implies that has time goes on, Geo will be widely utilized to solve complex geographical problems in their location. Also, this will help to generate more geographical data about various locations which can easily be utilized for problem solving.


Geo will also help users to provide the best browsing User Interface and User Experience for users. This will be one of the most easy to use Web3 tool for users to access the Internet and at the same time help users to generate data and add data on the global knowledge graph. The good news is that you don't have to be an expert in writing codes before you can make use of Geo Browser.

Geo will also reward users for their effort and contribution to the Geo community from it's incentive pool. This connotes that talented users who are data driven, adding more data to the knowledge graph and can solve critical problems will definitely be rewarded for their effort.

The Graph Protocol as a Bedrock for Geo


I don't think there's need to make formal introduction about "The Graph Protocol" since it is a common tool used as an indexing protocol for quarrying Etherium and IPFS networks. The Graph is made up of three network participants which are listed below;

  • Indexers
  • Curators
  • Delegators

The good news is that the Yaniv Tal who is known to be the founder and CEO of The Graph Protocol will also be working on Geo browser as the founder. He plans to make use of The Graph Protocol to solve the Knowledge Graph App aspect of Geo Browser since Geo Browser has two features which are listed below;

  1. Web3 Browser
  2. Knowledge Graph Application (Geo Genesis)

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The Graph Protocol will help Geo solve user problems about data by allowing users utilize it's indexing and quarrying features which enables users to add data and search for data from the global knowledge graph.

Summary and Conclusion

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In summary and conclusion, I believe we are now moving into a more decentralized world where everyone values their privacy a lot. I personally don't like my data or information being shared to anyone when accessing the Internet and it's really great Geo browser is helping us solve this problem through it's complete Internet decentralization (Web3) system.

There's also no doubt that we really can't do without data and this is why most top companies are always data driven and oriented because such companies are able to grow their business or profit through the use of generated data after proper analysis and measures. I am definitely optimistic Geo will help solve more real life problems through the use of Cryptocurrency technology and Data generated from the Global knowledge graph.

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Thank you for your time and I definitely hope you found this content educative. Let me know your thoughts about Geo Browser via the comment section.

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About Me

I am Adebola by name and I'm also a graduate of Agricultural Engineering (BSC). I am someone who cherish self development and being productive is in my DNA, this is why I am always open to learning from anyone and I love making research. I have been in the crypto space for the past five years and my level of enthusiasm for cryptocurrency and blockchain technology keeps increasing day by day. My hobbies are reading, writing, eating, engaging in agricultural operations, travelling, designing and blogging. My skills include Content writing, Graphic Design, UI/UX (Product) Deisgn, Copywriting, Internet Marketing, Blogging, Research and Coding (Novice). Feel free to connect with me via;
Discod: Hardaeborla#103

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Thank You for your time and I hope you have a great day ahead with love from @hardaeborla


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