[I am grateful to my Creator] Reminders on Tuesday on the 12th of July, 2022


Assalamu Alaikum! How are you? Hopefully, you are having a fantastic day! I am also fine, Alhamdulillah. And, Welcome to my post!

I am a doctor. Besides, getting a monthly salary, I am getting something else from my dealings with the patients. Constant reminders!! Their illnesses remind me how blessed I am! Their stories increase my gratefulness/gratitude to my Creator!

In this post, I have shared short histories of 20 of the patients I consulted on Monday, 11th of July, 2022.

12 July 2022

The 1st case was an Omani Lady in her mid 30. She was having abdominal pain, mostly in the upper abdominal area for one day. She also vomited 3 times in that period. She looked lethargic. It was an acidity-related case; dyspepsia or acute gastritis. She took injections for acidity and abdominal pain.

The 2nd patient was a housemaid from Sri Lanka. She was also suffering from vomiting and headache for the last 3 days, along with occasional fever. He complained of having some sort of chest pain also. The chest pain was probably secondary to vomiting. She took injections for vomiting and fever.

The next patient was another Omani male. He came with a sore throat, fever and body pain. His vitals were within normal limits. I gave him injectable and oral medications.

The 4th patient was a Nepali housemaid. His sponsor brought her for counselling mostly. For her throat problem, one day before she was taken to another clinic where she had received injectable medications. She was also prescribed oral medicines including a broad-spectrum antibiotic. This means she has most of the necessary medicines with her. Then why come to me? After taking injections, her condition improved but was not cured totally within a day of injection!! She expected a full recovery within the hours of injections but that didn't happen. It made her worried too much. Her sponsor told her that it would take a few more days to complete her recovery. She didn't believe it. She wanted to hear it from a doctor!

The next patient was a Bangladeshi housemaid. Every morning, during the housework, she sweats profusely. Within half an hour or one hour, she starts sneezing and running nose. After a few hours or after taking her bath, she becomes okay. In the afternoon or at night, she doesn't have any problem. Interesting! It was most likely allergic in nature.

The 6th patient was a Pakistani guy. He visited with fever and severe body ache with a headache. He didn’t have a cold, cough or throat pain. He was distressed with body pain. He was also having a moderate fever during the examination. I gave him an injection to reduce his fever and pain.

The 7th patient was a Bangladeshi worker. He was working on a farm. He visited for his left elbow pain for the last 2-3 months. Sometimes, the pain radiates to his left wrist and shoulder also. During the consultation, he was only having pain in his elbow, not anywhere else. The maximum tenderness was on a single bony prominence (lateral epicondyle in medical language). He wanted to do an X-ray. The X-ray showed no abnormalities. It was a case of tennis elbow.

The 8th patient was another Bangladeshi worker. He was having chest pain for one day. On the previous day, he worked hard then started having this pain. Moreover, his pain only increased during activities and movement. During the consultation, he wasn’t having any pain. So, it was work-related musculoskeletal chest pain.

The 9th patient came with epigastric burning pain. He ate in a restaurant one day before. Then he started having the problem. He already has taken one “gas” medicine but it didn't help him. So, I changed the “gas” medicine to a more potent one along with a “gas” syrup.

The next patient was an Omani. He was having upper respiratory tract symptoms for the last 4-5 days, along with fever. His fever and cold had subsided but his cough became worse over the previous 2-3 days. In the morning when he came for consultation, he saw blood-tinged sputum. So, he decided to visit a doctor. His throat wasn’t bad. There was mild congestion in his throat. His chest was clear as well. His blood-tinged sputum was probably the result of forceful or violent coughing only.

The 11th patient was a worried Omani patient who came with some itchy rashes in his inner thighs for the last week. The rashes were consistent with fungal infection.

The next two patients (12th and 13th) came from the same place. One Bangladeshi and one Pakistani worker working on the same farm. Both of them came with generalized fatigue and lethargy. Both of them wanted intravenous fluids for energy.

Patient number 14 was a returning patient. In 2019, he once visited for a fungal infection in his inner thighs and inguinal areas. That time I prescribed some medications and he was free from them in the last two years. Again, he started developing similar lesions in the same areas in the last couple of weeks. He already had used the previously prescribed antifungal ointment but didn’t get the expected relief. He was the last patient I consulted on the morning shift.

In the evening shift, the first patient (number 15 in total) was a Bangladeshi worker. He visited with shortness of breath. He suddenly woke up from his afternoon nap with shortness of breathing. There was mild wheeze and chest spasm. The typical features of bronchial asthma during the auscultation of his chest were absent. I checked his previous record on the computer. He visited two times before with similar kinds of problems. I gave him one shot of steroid injection and nebulized him with salbutamol.

The 16th patient was one Omani man. He came with epigastric burning pain and the burning sensation in his chest as well as all the way up to his throat. He was having this problem for the last 10 days. There was no vomiting, diarrhoea, fever, cold or cough. It was the most probable case of GERD (gastro-oesophagal reflux disease).

The next patient was a Bangladeshi. During this Eid holiday, he came from Muscat to visit his friends here in this town and fell sick. He was having the features of viral fever (fever, body pain/cramp, headache, fatigue and cold). I gave medications accordingly.

Patient number 18 was an Omani elderly lady. She came with her son with the complaint of upper back area pain and pain in her neck area. These weren't any new problems. She was having such type of pain every now and then. Recently, she has been in more pain.

The next patient visited with fever/chills/shivering with body pain and passage of loose stool 3 times in the last one day. He was also feeling vertigo. He was a Bangladeshi. During the physical examination, all the vitals were within normal limits. I checked his blood sugar (it was normal) and a CBC. The CBC findings were consistent with a bacterial infection. I prescribed an antibiotic along with some other medications.

The 20th patient was an obese Omani lady. She was having fever, headache and body pain for the last day. The next morning she went to a government health centre and got injectable management. On the following afternoon, she visited me, because her symptoms didn’t subside. I checked her CBC. The findings were near normal (one count was on the marginal level). So, I prescribed her an antibiotic as well.

Following the last patient mentioned above, I consulted 9 more patients on Monday. All of them visited with some kind of illness. On the other hand, I am blessed with sound health. That means I am clearly blessed with something those 29 patients weren't blessed with; good health. For that, I am grateful to my Creator, Allah. Alhamdulillah! Alhamdulillah!!

Thanks for stopping by.

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The End

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